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Lauren groaned as her alarm went off. She froze when she felt a pair of arms squeeze her form.  She maneuvered her body to face the person that apparently held her in her sleep. She rolled her eyes seeing her sisters face.

"Taylor wake up." Lauren tapped her lightly. "Taylor." She pushed her this time. "TAYLOR WAKE THE HELL UP!"

Taylor's eyes flew open, she began to thrash frantically. Unaware of her surroundings she somehow managed to knock her out of her own bed. Lauren screamed as the floor came closer to her face. She closed her eyes bracing for impact,suddenly her arm was yanked and she was thrown back onto the bed.

"OKAY I KNOW SHE  YELLED AT YOU LAST NIGHT BUT THROWING HER OFF OF HER OWN BED IS LOW!" Chris shouted at Taylor pointing his finger at her with wide eyes. 

Lauren, dazed and confused, wasn't able to come up with a coherent sentence. Taylor made several wild gestures and then held out her hands in a defensive manner.


Lauren looked at the two then grabbed onto Chris's arm to sit up. "Where did you come from?" She asked, her chest heaving up and down.

Both her siblings looked at her then each other and bursted out into full blown laughter. Chris grabbed her right arm while Taylor grabbed her left. "I came in to see what all the yelling was about and saw that you were falling and Taylor being...electrocuted?" Lauren joined in on their chorus of laughter.

"Yes nearly killed me and ruined my plans," Lauren chuckled then froze, her eyes going as wide as saucers. "...MY PLANS, I HAVE A DATE!" She shouted before another word could be said she ran to her closet and began to search for her outfit.

"I can't find it!"


"I CAN'T-"

"LAUREN!"Taylor and Chris shouted in unison.

"WHAT?!"She responded just as loud, surrounded by a pile of clothes.

"We got your back alright?"Taylor reassured her with a soft smile. Chris nodded his head in agreement.

Lauren sighed, giving them a sleepy smile. "Alright."She nodded.



Y/n's eyes fluttered open. She looked over her shoulder at her alarm clock. Why was she awake so early?

"Oh fuck."

Y/n laughed wholeheartedly as she realized her brain woke her up because even it realized she had plans today. She eased herself into a sitting position, grabbing her phone with her other hand. Y/n frowned as her phone screen didn't light up when she touched the home button. She began to click it frantically only when she pressed the lock screen button did it light up. That's when she remembered, she turned off her phone last night, the reason why also reoccurred to her as well.

Today's a new day.

Y/n tossed her phone to the side, putting her focus into getting ready for her meet up with Lauren. Is it a date? Y/n paused, asking herself. I would love for it to be one, if Lauren changed her mind and wants to be friends, I'm just going to have to accept that. She sighed, her chest suddenly feeling heavy and full.

Instead of paying attention to all the negative aspects of going to the restaurant to meet the girl she was potentially in love with, Y/n coordinated her outfit. Just because Lauren was no longer interested didn't mean Y/n wasn't going to put any effort into what she wore. After 15 minutes she conjured up an outfit that made her jaw drop by just looking at it.

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