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I wrapped both of my hands around my ceramic baby blue coffee mug and lifted it to my lips. My feet drifted away from the kitchen and somehow caused me to end up at the back of the house. The rising morning sun always reflected perfectly on our pool at this our. For once my wife wasn't awake before me and instead knocked out in bed. Lauren usually is the one to wake up early but after coming home so late from finishing up the last touches of her autobiography.

After our wedding, Fifth Harmony officially came to an end and decided to go their separate ways. The girls still stay in touch with one another and make time to catch up whenever they can. Lauren went to college to get her Associates Degree and became an author with lots of hard work and dedication. Many people wanted to know how her journey through the music industry really was.

I've stood by her side and supported her the entire time and she's done the same for me. I graduated from college with a PHD and am not only running a psychology business but also work as a therapist.

Now here we are two years later, still married and living our best life together. Exactly how it is meant to be.

If I had to Define Love I would definitely use the love Lauren and I share as a definite example. We exemplify so many positive emotions for one another but it didn't all come out right away. It took time. We've faced many hardships along the way–then again what couple hasn't. No matter what she is the one for me and I am the one for her.

A pair of pale arms wrapped around my torso from behind and pulled me in their direction. "Hey papa bear, what are you doing up before me?" I will never tire of that raspy voice of hers.

I finish off the rest of my drink and place it down on the nearby coffee table. "Just reminiscing, mama bear." Our eyes meet and boy is this the perfect spot for the sun to shine down on her.

Her eyes crinkle at the ends and she beams that familiar childish smile at me as I observe every inch of her face. "On?" She shuffled forward and places her hand on my forearm when I place mine on her hip.

"Us." I said. "How far we've come...how happy we are...it's–we're beautiful."

Her eyes shine with unshed tears and I'm pretty sure she's tilting her head back to prevent them from falling. "Yes...yes we are." Lauren leans up on the tips of her toes and I lean down. Our lips meet and we share a tender kiss. "I love you Papi." She buries her face into my chest and squeezes me tight.

It's the best feeling in the world. I wrap one arm around her and place one hand on the back of her head. "I love you too princess." I whisper and kiss the top of her head.

We stand there simply holding one another then reluctantly pull away when we realize we have to move sometime.

"Alright...go wake up–"

The piercing wail of a baby resounded throughout the house. I raised one finger in the air and pointed at the ceiling of the family room. "There's one." We both chuckled.

"Mommy, Momma!"

Lauren pointed this time and smirked. "There's two."

We both went silent and patiently waited. Then went wide eyed at the clanking of pots and pans that came from the kitchen. Lauren and I practically broke several limbs trying to get to the kitchen.

I placed my hand on my chest and began to laugh at the sight in front of me. Lauren sighed of relief then began to laugh as well. "Clearly we have five." She said gesturing to the sight in front of us.

A full grown Henry and our two year old daughter playing on the ground with the loud pieces of metal.

"Our big happy family." I chuckled.

Lauren craned her neck and smiled the same smile on our first date. The butterflies in my stomach haven't stopped fluttering since.

OHMYGOD it's the end of an era. Thank you all so much for going on this journey for me. I truly appreciate the support. I've made more work and will continue to do so

Until next time, I love you all and hope to see any of my readers in the future💞💞💞

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