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Babygirl💞: Hey baby, I'm sorry that I wasn't there to greet you when you woke up but I have class today and I had to go, I love you💞💞💞
Delivered: 10:09 AM
Read: 12:05 PM

Mi amor💞: It's alright babe, I understand. Have fun in class, I'll just go spend time with my parents whole you're away, I'll see you when you get home. I love you too💞💞💞
Delivered: 12:06 PM
Read: 12:07 PM

Y/n released a sigh of relief at reading her girlfriends text. Good. She bought it. She rolled her shoulders hoping to ease the tension that lied in them. Y/n was never one for lying unless she absolutely had to. This was the case.

It's exactly one week before Christmas and she had been searching for a present online for two, unable to go to the mall without her girlfriend knowing what she was doing. Now was her chance to buy gifts for Lauren without her suspecting a thing. Her plan was full proof, the Jauregui's were in on it as well. They helped Y/n organize the entire thing so that Lauren wouldn't have a run in with her at the mall.

She left the house at ten in the morning and has been here for two hours. So far she's gotten her absolutely nothing to commemorate their love; as cheesy as that sounds. Y/n had been making a mental list of things Lauren would want. Her brain seemed to come up blank as soon as she entered the plaza. For good measure, as a present to them both, she also bought a red waffle maker. It was something they both wanted.  

She just needed a present that would exceed all the others. Something that would define their love better than words ever can.

Y/n's eyes fell on a shiny object in the stores mirror. She broke out into a grin, looking like a mad man. "Perfect." She whispers, entering the store and capturing the attention of a clerk.

Lauren is gonna love this. She vows, letting all of her nerves wash away as she recalls how much the Latina loves her.
Forty minutes away, Lauren Jauregui was just exiting their apartment when she responded to her girlfriend's text. Chris and Taylor were sitting inside her sisters black Mercedes waiting for her. Seeing as how she didn't have a car and her family invited her over; there would be no way for her to get there. She should have her own car by now but what's the point when you're traveling so often? You won't exactly need the car to begin with.

Before they arrived Lauren asked her siblings to let her drive the car, stating she simply wanted to get behind the wheel. In reality she planned to take them all to the mall, she still didn't buy Y/n a gift and Christmas was less than a week away.

When she came into her siblings line of sight, Taylor stepped out from behind the wheel and hopped into the back seat after greeting Lauren with a hug. Without saying a single word to either of them the green eyed girl, sped out of the parking lot as if they were being chased by crazed Harmonizers. Her siblings conversed between one another but didn't make conversation with her; she was to encompassed by her thoughts.

What does Y/n want for Christmas? She came to a slow halt at a red light and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. Her girlfriend hadn't really spoken about wanting anything specific for Christmas other than for it to be spent with her loved ones. The one thing that usually worried Lauren was how lonely Y/n gets whenever her girlfriend isn't around. She has friends but even Lauren understands that when the person that makes you feel at home isn't around you get homesick.

The Cuban has her band mates/bestfriends as well but that doesn't stop her from preferring Y/n's arms rather than her hoodie. Just as the light turned green it were as if a switch were flipped inside her head.

"That's it!" She exclaimed, scaring the living hell out of her siblings.

"What's it?" Taylor asked, clutching her shirt where her chest is.

"I have to make a quick stop." Was all she responded with and made a sharp turn, damning anyone that wasn't wearing a seat belt.

She cooed at the sight in the window of the storefront as she parked sloppily. That's the one. Lauren hopped out of the car and walked into the building with her siblings struggling to catch up with her. She beamed at what she saw up close. "That one please." The employee that stood at the register nodded his head and rung her up. This Christmas was indeed going to be a very special Christmas.

That night the couple somehow managed to keep their significant others gifts away from them. Lauren left Y/n's gift at her parents house seeing as how if she took it with her to the apartment, everything would be ruined. Y/n managed to get there before Lauren and hid the gift in a place her girlfriend would never look.

Lauren unlocked the front door and smiled from ear to ear at hearing what music was being played throughout the apartment.  Their home smelled of all things Christmas within less than an hour. Y/n sang softly and dropped the last box of ornaments on the ground. The green tree was already perched and waiting to be decorated with Christmas lights and whatnot.

"Look at all the things my true love gave to me, my true love." Y/n placed her hands on her knees arched her back, twerking to the beat.

Lauren smiled with her tongue between her teeth and slipped off her shoes all while sneaking up behind her oblivious girlfriend. "You are my true love." She sang, placing her hands on her hips and swaying them both.

Y/n tensed up then laughed at the familiar raspy voice that she loves so much. "Hey baby." She turned around and got a sense of deja vu when she placed her hands on Lauren's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. "You ready to decorate our-OI, WAIT!" She suddenly exclaimed, taking three large steps to step over several boxes. She pulled out the star that goes on the top of the Christmas tree and grinned. "Baby can you see the star?" Y/n sang with an over exaggerated expression.

Lauren couldn't help but laugh at the awful joke, it had gotten to the point where she was on her knees still laughing her ass off. "Oh my god," She grabbed the hand Y/n offered her and stood back to her feet. "Shut up." She giggled, pushing her shoulder lightly.

Y/n laughed softly and shook her head. "Never." She stares and planted a gentle kiss on her temple. "Now let's decorate our Christmas tree." She said with a toothless smile.

"As if there's another tree we need to decorate." Lauren playfully rolled her eyes then laughed at the 'I'm tired of your shit' expression Y/n wore. She kneeled down and grabbed an ornament from the same box, Y/n was kneeled in front of.

In the exact same moment Y/n was blindly reaching for one as well, unable to redirect her eyes to anything other than the loving woman beside her. She jumped when fingers clasped around her own. Lauren smiled and returned her gaze, feeling an undeniable surge of love increase the speed of her heartbeat. They leaned in at the same time, sharing a kiss that exhibited the same emotion when someone does something for the first time. Adrenaline, courage, and passion.

This Christmas was definitely going to be their best one yet.

Hellllloooooooo lovelies, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and just to let you all know it only gets sweeter from here on out. I'm talking hot cocoa with cinnamon, whipped cream and sugar...shit now I want some hot cocoa

Have a good day/night, Until next time 💞💞💞💞

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