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The sunlight shone through the gap in the closed curtains. Lauren raised her hand, blocking her sensitive green eyes from the unwelcome light. She flipped her body to face the opposite direction before snuggling into the cream colored comforter. Wait. Lauren's comforter wasn't cream it was black. Her eyes flew back open, landing on the clock on the nightstand that said 11:01 in big red numbers.

I'm at Y/n's House. She sighed in relief then scowled at the empty cold spot beside her. The smell of bacon was in the air. Lauren licked her lips. My baby is making me breakfast. The butterflies in her stomach sprung to life. Y/n and her weren't even in the same room but the thought of her girlfriend was enough to warm her heart. Sleep could wait, she wanted food in her belly and Y/n in her arms. With that thought in mind, Lauren slipped out of bed and covered her bare body with one of Y/n's sweaters, slipped on her underwear and began her search for the kitchen. Her nose being the leader of the operation got her there quicker.

When she stepped into the kitchen, Y/n was swaying in front of the stove to the soothing beats in Love On The Brain. Unlike Lauren, Y/n actually chose to wear a black bra and some red basketball shorts. Lauren's eyes shamelessly outlined your ass as she took small steps towards you. Her hands snaked there way around your waist, her arms resting underneath your boobs. Y/n jumped at the unexpected cold contact. Lauren snuggled her face into your back and began to sway you both to the music.

"Morning babygirl." Y/n spoke softly, lifting one of Lauren's hands to her lips.

Lauren hummed, kissing your shoulder as light as a feather. "Good morning Y/n/n."

Y/n spun around and took Lauren's face in her hands. Lauren felt her cheeks grow warm at the small amount of space between their faces. Y/n chuckled, having the height advantage made this ten times easier. She laid a light kiss on Lauren's forehead then a passionate one on her lips. Lauren placed her hands on Y/n's hips as she deepened the kiss.

When air became an issue they broke apart, foreheads still pressed together as if their lives depended on it. Lauren's nose twitched when a pungently awful smell filled her nostrils. Green eyes expanded to the size of saucers as she realized what it was. With one aggressive shove, Y/n was tossed out of the way as the Cuban frantically shut off the stove and removed the bacon from the pan.

"Baby no, the bacon is gone!" She cried, dramatically kneeling on the ground to get on eye level with the crunchy breakfast treat.

Y/n covered her mouth with her hand to muffle her laughter. "It's okay princess, don't-"

"It's not okay!" She hopped back on her feet, bending her arm at an odd angle to gesture towards the overly crisp bacon. "Those pigs died for nothing if we couldn't even fucking cook them properly, now we have no bacon and breakfast might as well be over, shit it's almost noon anyway, just fuck me in the ass-" Her amusing rant was cut short when her girlfriends velvety lips crashed into hers.

"First of all, it's turkey bacon," Y/n held up the defrosted packet of bacon that was clearly not empty. "Second, we have more and third we can fuck after breakfast."

"Oh." Lauren's grin was sheepish as her face became as red as a tomato. We can fuck after breakfast. She replayed the end of Y/n's statement in her mind. "Oh." She repeated in a more suggestive tone.

Y/n shook her head, laughing at how quickly Lauren's demeanor changed. "Finish cooking so that we can get to number three." Her voice was sultry as she placed her hands on Y/n's ass, squeezing both cheeks appreciatively.

Y/n yelped at the unexpected contact then turned her head to glare at her playfully. "Siéntate." She managed to keep the arousal out of her voice.

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