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A bloody nose, scratched up face, bruised eye that would most likely become black, and a ripped sleeve. That's what Lauren did to Elizabeth all within a span of a few minutes. Y/n wasn't strong enough to pull the enraged Latina off of her naive ex girlfriend. Even when she was finally able to get Lauren on the floor, flat on her stomach she reached out and tugged on the part of Elizabeth that she could reach, effectively ripping her shirt sleeve. It took Y/n laying all of her weight on top of Lauren's form to get her to stay down.

Elizabeth scrambled to grab her purse and got back on her feet. "Bitch run, I can't hold her for that long!" She shouted, holding her down with all the adrenaline pumping in her veins.

When Elizabeth officially left the apartment, Lauren finally broke free rolling herself over so that Y/n was on the floor and she on top of her. Instead of running after her like the y/hc woman thought she would, Lauren's demeanor changed completely.She was calm. Eerily calm. So calm in fact Y/n feels the atmosphere thicken at the daunting silence. Lauren shuts the door and locks it up even going as far as to put on the latch. She turns around with a smile on her face that made Y/n want to go home and cry to her momma.

When Lauren begins to talk she remains calm the entire time. This makes Y/n uneasy, wrapping her mind around what happened in the past thirty minutes was difficult.

"Baby, why was that-that thing!" She exclaimed the word thing. "In our house?" Lauren's giggle made beads of sweat form on Y/n's forehead.

The usual emerald eyes that she loved so much were no longer present; they were were gray. The color of a crying sky. The calm before the storm except the calm was long gone and the storm was rolling in. Y/n suppressed herself from fidgeting, stuffing her hands into her back pockets. "She texted me this morning and asked me if we could hang out so-"

Lauren hummed, nodding her head and walked closer to the brown eyed woman, her steps leisurely steady and hands intertwined behind her back. "So you invited her over without telling me." She didn't own Y/n, Lauren knew that, but the least she could have done was inform her of who was going in their home.

Y/n felt anger flair in her chest but then calmed down within a minute as she realized her excuse wasn't valid. Yes, Lauren hadn't been answering her phone all day but it was because she wanted to surprise her. Her babygirl came all the way on a flight to see her, she didn't go to her family first, she came to her. Only to walk into he-their apartment to see her ex-girlfriend on top of her and giving her girlfriend a smirk with an evil gleam in her eye. It made her feel like a peace of meat. In that moment Y/n not only felt terrible for herself but for her girlfriend as well.

"Y/n would you even have told me she was here to begin with?" Lauren asked, tears filling her eyes as soon as she was able to ask the question. Her bottom lip quivered when Y/n simply dropped her head and shoulders in shame.


"No!" Lauren cried out. "Don't you baby me! I came all the way from England to come and see your ass because I was so ready to be...to be with you, for us to be something real and special and unique and something so beautiful that even god would look at us and call it holy but instead you had that whore, who wants nothing than to steal you away from me, in our apartment!" She threw the spare key on the ground as if it burned her hand.

"Lauren I don't want her, I want you!" Y/n walked up to her, attempting to place her comforting hands on her cheeks. Lauren snatched herself back then rolled her eyes, laughing humorlessly. She didn't reply so Y/n took this as her cue to continue. "I did not tell you she was coming over because I didn't believe it was necessary then the whole situation would have been blown out of proportion..to late for that huh?" Y/n held up a finger when she knew her girlfriend would have a snappy reply then took both of Lauren's hands in her own. "Nothing would have happened on my part and nothing ever will because she isn't you. Babygirl, I love you, we've been together for four months, you make me beyond happy. I'm not dumb enough to ruin what we have, yes I should have told you regardless of what I believed your reaction would be and I'm sorry." Y/n leaned forward briefly pressing her lips to Lauren's forehead. "I have envisioned-on multiple occasions-us having a life together especially once you opened the window to your soul and exposed it to me in such a delicate way, you had my heart in your hands before I even realized it."

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