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"Could you not talk about your girlfriend for one minute?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes so hard all I saw was white. "I came here to catch up with you not talk about your relationship." In the middle of her sentence she knocked over her glass of apple cider onto my fluffy carpet.

I rolled my eyes and stood to my feet as she cursed at her own mistake. I walked into the kitchen and back out with a small towel in my hand. The things my brain wanted me to say were uncivil so like always I chose to say the right thing. "Well sorry to upset you sweetheart." It came out a lot more sarcastic than I intended it too.

I threw the towel at her face when she glowered at me with the power of a thousand suns. Elizabeth snatched the towel from her face and aggressively cleaned up her mess. "I'm just saying..." She sighed looking back in my general direction when I sat down on the floor in front of her. "I'm sorry but talking about her is the last thing I intended on us doing?" Her eyes shifted to a darker shade of blue as she bit her lip.

I rose my left eyebrow and crossed my arms. "Well if it's something inappropriate you better walk up into a church and cleanse your soul of those thoughts." My retort was so quick that it even shocked me when it left my lips.

When I woke up this morning my ex girlfriend, Elizabeth, decided to send me a text. Ironically enough I didn't recognize her number which means she kept mine saved into her phone after all these years. It's hilarious when someone wrongs you and then stays hung up on you hoping you'll give them another chance.

Lauren is on tour right now and all my friends are busy with work or school, the only reason she was let into my apartment was out of desperation. By my apartment I mean Lauren and I's apartment. My nerves were on overdrive yesterday, she hadn't been physically near me in months, it's fucking torture. Now here I am with the girl that broke my heart by cheating on me with one of my homegirls.

I'm not like her. Lauren and I have something rare and life changing. There's no way in hell I'm throwing that all away, so whatever Elizabeth is hinting at, she needs to back the fuck up and stay in her lane. If I told Lauren how much shit she was trying right now she would probably rise up from the ground and beat the shit out of her. That's an exaggeration within itself but STILL, Elizabeth would get her ass kicked, whether it would be two days later or two months later, if I told Lauren what she's pulling.

Height difference has no meaning to my fiery Latina. Elizabeth may be a foot taller but that wouldn't stop her in the slightest. So deep in my thoughts I didn't realize Elizabeth was trying to grasp my attention until she lightly shoved my shoulder.


"Yes?! I've been calling you for like five minutes, where did you go?" She asked, filling my glass to the brim with apple cider.

"Just thinking that's all." I shrugged, lifting the cup to my lips and taking a sip.

She sighed, placing the now empty bottle on the ground beside her. "Listen Y/n, can we please just enjoy each other's company...like old times." Elizabeth pleaded, placing her free hand on top of my own.

I shrugged, not stopping myself from what I said next. "We would be able to if you didn't cheat," She looked apologetic but remained silent. "But I'm sure I can be as good of an actress as you are for the rest of the day." I jumped at the sudden loud scream she released.

Elizabeth clapped her hands together erractically, throwing herself at me, literally. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" She began to lay kisses all over my face until I swatted her away. "I brought twister, fight me Y/l/n."

"Bring it on Gillies."
The girls and I all ran back to our designated tour buses. Ally and I attempted to squeeze through the door at the same time but she beat me to the punch.

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