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Mi corazón💞: Babyyyy 😩
Mi corazón💞: I miss you already :(
6:35 PM

Lauren's text caused me to involuntary pout. If only I could work up the effort to pull out of the Jauregui's driveway. I leaned my head against the wheel then glanced up to see her looking at me from the house window. My body began to shake as I laughed when she dramatically placed her hand on the window.

Y/n: I haven't even left the house yet...but I miss you too :(

The sound of the car door opening then closing made me redirect my eyes to beside me then the window and back. "Laur–"

She shook her head while holding Henry to the top half of her body. "That's not my name." She reminded me with a smug smile then laid a kiss on the top of Henry's head.

I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. "Baby–" She humphed and shook her head. "Princess?" I inquired with half a mind to just call her Lauren to piss her off. She gave me a soft smile and batted her eyelashes at me. Shit, did my heart just melt? I reached out and placed my hand on her cheek, rubbing her face softly with my thumb. She leaned into my touch and nuzzled my hand looking at peace with the world. My heart did most certainly melt. "Princess, the plan was for us to spend time with our families separately, remember?" I attempted to move my hand away from her face only for her to move with me.

"Yes...I remember pero, I've never met your family but you've met mine...this could be the perfect opportunity." She looked up at me through her lashes and jutted out her bottom lip which finished off her puppy dog face.

I sighed and gave her a chaste kiss. Lauren squealed and sat back down in her seat, looking just as excited as she did earlier today when she was opening gifts. "Alright fine, but I'm warning you. I have no idea who my aunt invited this year so brace yourself just in case my mom or one of my homophobic uncles might be there."

Her eyes hardened and she straightened her posture. "I can take em, pretty sure I've had worse." She most certainly has had much worse. I snickered at the multiple jokes that filled my head. Lauren turned her head and glowered at me as if she could read my mind. "Don't you dare say that word."

I opened my mouth to speak then bursted into full blown laughter when the corners of her lips twitched. Lauren groaned loudly, leaning her head on the head rest. "Okay okay." I attempted to stop laughing but still continued to do so even after I turned on the car and pulled out of the driveway. Her eyes were practically burning holes into the side of my head. I chuckled and stopped laughing all together.

Ignoring her gaze, I took out my phone and hooked up to the Bluetooth knowing some music would calm her down. Lauren gasped and settled Henry down in her lap. I turned the volume up just as Kehlani began to sing.

"I like my girls just like I like my honey; sweet, a lil selfish, I like my women like I like my money; green, a lil jealous." We both sung, her raspy voice more pleasing to the ears. The soothing mix of the guitar with her voice and Kehlani's made me feel like I was floating on a cloud.

I leaned more into my seat and drove with one hand on the wheel, allowing myself to get lost in my lovely girlfriend's voice. God she's so beautiful. I smiled and released a content sigh, Lauren grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. I lifted her hand to my lips and did the same without taking my eyes off the road.

"My baby." She giggled causing my cheeks to burn and a lopsided smile to appear on my face. I glanced in her direction to see her filming us with that adorable childlike smile on her face. Lauren looked at my reflection in the phone screen and puckered her lips. "I love you." She said with her lips still puckered so it came out more as 'I wuv ju.'.

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