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No matter how much Y/n attempted to avoid it the inevitable happened, Lauren was sitting next to her. This was the closest they had been within the past week. To make matters worse no one was talking, the sounds of silverware clanking against dinner plates was the loudest noise in the room. No one was sure how they were sucked into such an unsettling silence. Perhaps it was the fact that the two people in a relationship at the table were sitting beside each other but were acting nothing like a couple.

Y/n avoided meeting sympathetic gazes from Taylor, Chris, and possibly one of the girls. She released a shaky breath and focused on stabbing her knife into the mouthwatering steak.

Lauren wasn't known for being subtle, she didn't even attempt to be such a thing. Her eyes would always end up back on Y/n and she didn't mind one bit. The ends of her lips quirked as she purposely brushed her hand against Y/n's. She hid her giggle with a cough when the y/hc woman perked up as if she had been electrocuted.

Clara watched the entire interaction, holding back her laughter and resorting to a grin. Lauren glanced up just in time to see her mother studying them both. Her cheeks warmed up as a sheepish smile erupted on her face. She looked back down at her plate and continued to eat her food. Clara's smile slowly fell at the realization of what Y/n was having dinner with them for sunk in. If only Lauren was more admit about her emotions. She loves her oldest daughter, really she does, but she had the tendency to let her emotions run her without involving her mind to do some of the work as well.

At first the idea of Lauren having a relationship with Y/n was flabbergasting. Mainly because they had never met one another in person. After meeting Y/n and watching how happy Lauren has been the past few months, she knows they're meant to be together. Which is the main reason Y/n was there to begin with because even though her daughter barely made an effort to fix the problem, she wasn't giving up on her.

Finding someone that doesn't give up on you? That's rare. That's someone you should keep and cherish with all your heart because it's what they deserve. They'll lock their hearts down for you and throw out the key. All that Clara was hoping for was that by the time the night was over there relationship wouldn't be over.
Y/n scowled at the asparagus on her plate, stabbing it with her fork as if that would kill it on impact. She snickered and made eye contact with Mike at the head of the table. "Look papa J, it's the good kush." Y/n shoulders shook as she bended forward and laughed along with everyone else. Forks clattered onto plates as everyone lost their shit.

"I can't believe you said that!" Dinah exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand as she laughed loudly.

The table once again grew quiet as they realized Mike was the only one not laughing but instead sat there with a straight face. He never took his eyes off of Y/n as he spoke. "It's from the dollar store how good can it be?" He stated not being able to stop himself from bursting into laughter. Everyone restored back to going hysterical. The room was filled with laughter instead of the suffocating silence.

"I miss vine so much." Taylor sighed, wiping away a tear.

A chorus of 'Same's.' was what she received as a response. Chris bumped his shoulder against Normani's, nodding his head in Dinah's direction. Dinah hummed then nodded at Chris's signal. Time to light the flame in the jealous crevice of Lauren's heart.

"So, Y/l/n, see anyone cute lately?" The Polynesian asked, waggling her eyebrows, and taking a bite of her mashed potatoes.

Y/n isn't sure how she managed to not exhibit her shock at Dinah's question. From her peripheral vision she saw Lauren tense up then take a deep breath and relax. Anger flared up within the depths of both of their souls for two completely different reasons. One of which was angered by the fact that her supposed girlfriend barely reacted to Dinah's question. The other was angered by the question but reigned in her emotions so that they wouldn't get out of hand.

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