Chapter 27

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So this chapter took a bit longer to update here than the previous. My university semester just started and I managed to arrange some extra activities for this week specifically to further cut into any time I could try allocating for writing/editing. 

The Another Nightmare book 1 will have one more chapter after this, but I just sent the chapter 10 of second book to my beta reader/editor and the story will continue for a long time. I'll start adding the second book to Wattpad pretty soon after first is complete, though the update rate will slow down when it catches up to version. I've kept 1 chapter/month rate pretty well for the new material during this year so you can expect that after another 11-12 quicker updates.


Toothless stared into her eyes with his own slit pupils. Growling in her face, he revealed his teeth, ready to bite the Viking's head from its body at the slightest sign of threat. This female had hurt Hiccup. Toothless wanted to hurt her.

His eyes widened and appeared more like their usual selves when as Hiccup put his hand on Toothless' head.

'Don't let your anger control you bud. We aren't going to kill her.'

"Hiccup!! What in Odin's name are you doing here...!? And with this beast!" The female's screaming made Toothless' ears hurt. He growled at her in response, but his anger paled in comparison to Hiccup's.

"HE IS NOT A BEAST!" Toothless had never heard Hiccup shout at someone like that. Especially right after telling Toothless to control his anger. "The fact that you and I are still alive should prove that; it would if you weren't so close minded!"

"You aren't going to be after I get my hands on you!"

"Astrid," Hiccup started much more calmly than before. "You didn't even have a change against Shortlclaw," He pointed at the Monstrous Nightmare that was watching them from a few meters away. "What makes you think you are going to kill me when there is an overprotective NIGHT FURY between us?"

The look of terror that the female gave Toothless made the dragon very happy. He gladly met Astrid's widened eyes with his own, making sure to keep his teeth visible.

"Nigh... What, this bea-?" The rest was covered by Toothless growling at her face. He understood everything Astrid was saying, having had every word translated through Hiccup's mind.

"His name is Toothless and I'm with him because is a better friend to me than anyone in the village has ever been."

"Friend? A dragon? You have gone insane!"

"Yes, and no. They aren't evil or mindless like everyone thinks. They are intelligent like us and every dragon that I have met has turned out more... or less friendly," Toothless could momentarily see Stormfly in Hiccup's thoughts.

"Except when they burn our homes take our food and kill our families."

"They don't do it out of their own free will," Hiccup was silent for a moment. "Just open your eyes. We are with the two kinds of dragons that Berk fears the most and we are still alive."

"Really? Because I seem to remember that Nightmare trying to burn me to ash."

"Shortclaw couldn't control herself then."

"Oh great. Now he's naming them," The words were too quiet to reach Hiccup's ears but Toothless had no problem hearing and that was basically the same thing.

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