Chapter 17

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Hiccup stepped into the dark kill ring as the winds kept blowing outside. At least the stone walls stopped most of it and the cliff above might give some protection from rain. Hiccup put his hand on Toothless' shoulder next to him as the dragon gave a sad look to the door that held Sharpshot inside.

'Don't worry, we'll let him out soon, but it's safer to concentrate on Stormfly first. We don't know how she'll react.'

'I know how I'll react if she tries to hurt you.'


'I won't start anything. That's all I promise.'

'It's all I ask. Just try to stay calm.'

Hiccup stepped to the lever to open Stormfly's den. Toothless positioned himself between Hiccup and the doors and kept his body close to the ground ready to defend him. The dragon tried to be discreet but couldn't hide his actions from Hiccup.

The large log holding the doors closed rose, and, like during the day, nothing happened. Hiccup could hear faint squeals from behind the door and could sense Stormfly's presence.

'Can you help me open this thing?'

'Of course,' Toothless snorted.

The black dragon walked to the door and bit down on one of the pieces that had held the now lifted log. The doors had already taken enough hits that no one would notice a few bite marks on the wooden parts, hopefully. Toothless pulled the door about one meter to make a small opening. Hiccup came next to him to help the dragon push the doors rest of the way. As soon as he stepped to the opening, a shriek and movement on his side brought Hiccup's attention to the bird-like blue dragon. Stormfly was hunching in the corner, afraid.

"It's okay Stormfly. We aren't going to hurt you. I just want to help," Hiccup said both out loud and with his thoughts, hoping the dragon could understand his intentions.

Apparently she didn't. Hiccup kept his arm up in front of the dragon in a familiar gesture, but Stormfly turned her head away opening her mouth a little to reveal her teeth. A low growl emanated from Hiccup's side as Toothless warned the other dragon.

'Easy bud,' Hiccup stroked the black scales on Toothless' neck before turning back to the other dragon. This time he concentrated harder. 'Stormfly, I didn't mean to do what I did to you. I just want to fix it. Please, let me.'


'Hurry up. He's not going to leave until he has fixed your head,' was Toothless' contribution to the situation.

Stormfly was still hunching in the corner, but looked at them again and didn't flinch as Hiccup took a step closer while reaching further with his mind. He could already tell the dragon's mind was different from before. Stormfly's mind was still intact but there was also something else that covered it, filling every empty space. The moment Hiccup's fingers made contact with scale, it all became clear as his mind connected with that thing. That thing that was also his mind, or part of it.

In an instant, Hiccup was everywhere in Stormfly's mind. He gasped at the sudden sensation. It was a bit similar to the deep bond he had achieved with Toothless, but different. With Toothless they had been one, together, equals. This wasn't that. He wasn't equal or bonded with Stormfly. He was in control and holding the dragon's mind in chains. Hiccups shuddered sensing Stormfly's mind trapped in those chains, unable to even think anything contrary to the commands that he had given her.

'I'm sorry. I'll fix this.'

Hiccup wasn't actually sure how to do that, but if it was just matter of his mind covering Stormfly's, maybe it would be enough to just pull his mind away from the dragon, except... He would still have to make sure that the queen couldn't reach her, and he had done that by placing a part of his mind on the dragon's head. This was so complicated.

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