11.) New Dasani

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March 11th, 2015 (a month later)

Dasani finally got both her casts removed last week and I've been on her ass about moving her leg around and her wrist.

She be complaining and shit, but I ain't got time for none of that, she wanted to learn how to shoot and that's what she was getting, just the hard way.

We've been here at one of my traps out back for an hour and her ass was starting to piss me off, she couldn't shoot the dart board to save her life. "Aim Dasani, aim bro." I stressed dragging my hand down my face.

"I am!" She whined, "You wanted to learn and you can't hit a simple ass target." I argued, she was literally standing 8 feet away from the damn target.

"Aug bro ease up, this new to her." Gyptian said with a chuckle, I smacked my lips. "I told her this shit wasn't a game, she said she could handle it but her ass standing there damn near crying." I complained, I wasn't tryna sound ignorant but I told her what it was gonna be.

"Understood trust me, but she's a beginner, quit being so hard nigga damn, you always mad at the world." He said causing me to laugh, this nigga always had to crack on me.

"Whatever man." I said dismissing the conversation since he was right. "Can you come show me again please?" She asked looking at me, I sighed then walked over to her.

I took the gun from her hand and shot twice at the target while looking at her, I had to show off, that's how I was. "Ok show off, now help me." She said with a half smile.

I stood behind her short frame and steadied her hand. "Calm down buddy." She mumbled referring to my dick poking her in her ass, won't my fault she looked this damn good without trying.

I was attracted to her presence by itself, "Stop lookin' dis damn good." I said and she laughed. "For real Aug, I wanna learn." She said getting serious again, I cleared my throat then held her hand out in front of her.

"Remember what I said?" I asked letting her hand go and rested my hands on her waist. "Aim. Relax. Cock it back and..." she took in a breath, before she shot right in the middle of the board.

I stepped back crossing my arms as I looked at her, she turned my way slowly then started doing a happy dance. "I DID IT!" She squealed running over to me, but I moved to the side and she stopped realizing she still had the gun in her hand.

Gyptian busted out laughing at my expression and I mugged him. "Sorry." She giggled placing it on the ground then walked over to me. I pulled her into a hug congratulating her.

"You know you gotta keep shooting tho right?" I asked, she groaned dramatically as she went back and picked the gun up. She stood back in position and repeated what she did earlier, but when she shot, she missed.

"Focus Shorty." I told her as a few of the lil niggas came out back to watch. "I am." She said sticking her tongue out some as she squinted her eyes focusing. "Aim.. relax. Cock it back." I whispered to myself as I watched her do it.

"Shoot!" One of the lil niggas yelled, "Shut up." She said whispering to herself, "Shoot lil Yungin' we ain't got all day!" Craig taunted, she looked at me for help but I shrugged.

I told her she gotta learn how to be able to focus even during pressure. "You just got killed three times, the new nigga said causing the others to laugh, I shook my head chuckling.

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