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(August 24th, few hours later)

"Did that hurt?" Sani asked touching the tat on my neck. "I was high as hell when I got dis." I replied as I stared at her, I was in a trance of some sort, just by her presence and she didn't even realize.

"So you didn't feel anything? That's what you're saying?" She questioned seeming confused, "Nah, I got so many, I got used ta da' pain I guess." I answered with a slight shrug.

"Interesting." She mumbled looking over the rest of my tats. "Light skin with dark skin tendencies.." she spoke softly to herself, I furrowed my brows as I stared at her.

"What you jus' say?" I asked with a small chuckle, "I was thinking out loud, sorry." She apologized, "What you say doe?" I repeated, I heard her, but I wanted to be sure.

"I was saying.. well it was just suppose to be a thought." She informed as she shifted her gaze to me, I swear I seen a twinkle in her right eye.

"You're light skin.. or whatever you wanna say your complexion is, but you have like Dark skin men traits.. if that makes sense." She explained and I just stared at her.

"Nah it don't." I told her honestly and she sighed. "You know how folks tend to clown lighter skinned black guys? Saying that they're soft, insecure, only care about how they look etc.." she went on and I nodded for her to continue.

"Well you don't fit in that lame ass category, yeah you're light skin.. well something like that, hell I don't know what you wanna categorize yourself as." She said with a giggle.

"Jus' black mama, jus' black." I assured and she nodded. "Well anyways back to what I was saying, you have dark skin traits, like some people including myself who didn't know you would assume you're just some pretty boy and only care about having sex and taking selfies."

She shaded and I busted out laughing, she played me to the max. She even had to laugh her damn self. "But you don't, you be on some real cold hearted hood shit, BUT you're soft or shall I say gentle when it comes to me.."

She elaborated, "I don't it sounded better in my head." She added shaking her head at the explanation now. "I get what ya' sayin' ma, maybe not at first but I do now... I guess I can relate to that in a sense." I admitted and she smiled softly.

"You don't think that's weird for me to think?" She asked and I shook my head. "I like ta hear yo thoughts even if you think they're too "weird" or "dumb" I like different conversations like dis." I informed.

"I'm glad you do, because I was getting tired of not talking about what's really been on my mind." She said with a sigh of relief causing me to chuckle.

"Like what?" I asked becoming interested in this. "Ok I have a lot of things, but I always wanted to talk to you about this one I particular.." she trailed and I rose my brow.

"Aliens." She said then covered her face like I was gonna be mad or something. "Ok..?" I said removing her hands from her face. "Do you believe in them?" She asked hopeful.

"You believe in God right?" I questioned and she nodded with no hesitation. "Alright den." I stated looking at her, she gave me a funny look and I chuckled.

"You don't wanna discuss or like debate?" She asked shocked, "What you wanna talk bout ma? I was jus' waiting on you to continue the conversation honestly." I admitted and she smiled.

"Ok so do you think the government knows about them? Like do you think they may have one or a few of them in a secluded area and like are running test on them?" She rambled, I laid there just smiling at how exciting these topics were to her.

Wait (August Alsina) book 1Where stories live. Discover now