1.) Sequel

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Small rant: so lately a few of the new readers have been having an issue with my books because it has "interracial dating" and as one said "Get out of here with this white boy shit" "You should be ashamed of how your ancestors would feel." so apparently y'all aren't any better than the red necks. I personally dgaf about what y'all say or how y'all feel, but I have Supporters, note I call them supporters and the others "readers" I have supporters who will take offense to that. So if y'all don't like how I write, exit stage left, obviously you like it if you're this far in the series. Take your ignorance elsewhere, go and be prejudiced elsewhere please and thank you🧡
Added August 8, 2018. It's a damn shame I had to add this in.


Everyone paused at hearing the sound of the gun going off.. not ONCE but TWICE.

"Yo-you shot me" Sani stuttered in pure shock, everyone had their mouths open and looking at the bloody scene.

"LET ME DA FUCK GO!" August hollered as he was being detained by three other officers.

The crowd was now full of at least 200 people, all with the phones out had it recording from the jump. Isn't it bad that folks would rather record than to help?

Even when we record it never solves problems, history never lies, but it does repeat itself.

"You shot her! YOU RACIST BITCH!!" Shantelle screamed lunging for the now terrified rookie cop.

Grandma Hattie had to keep herself together and tried to keep a tight hold onto Shantelle cuz she was really about to beat that officer to death.

"My baby." Sani whispered trying to sit up but a stranger ran over to her and made her lay down. "She shot me.. my baby.. oh my God my baby!!!" She began to cry out.

"Stay calm for me and try to keep still." The lady told her as she motioned for someone else to come help as they placed a blanket under her head.

Then applied pressure to the wound as best they could.

The officers that were once holding August un cuffed him and he ran towards her along with everyone else.

"Why would you shoot her!!!?" He yelled in the rookie cop face, "I-I'm sorry!" She panicked getting up.

August wanted so bad to choke her right then and there but his lady and baby needed him. "The baby Aug.." she mumbled as he squeezed her hand getting covered in her blood.

"Shhh ma.. stay calm for me." He told her as he let a few tears fall. "I'm sorry." She apologized before blood began to spill from out her mouth.

He went to say something but the paramedics came rushing through and got her on the stretcher within a blink of the eye.

Everything was a blur for him, his head was spinning as he looked around at everyone. Running his fingers through his hair, breathing heavily, trying to remain calm.

Half of the crowd was posting the evidence online or talking to the authorities like that would actually help.

"You were scared huh?!" He asked walking up to the cop but G and another guy stopped him. "Thas all y'all stupid ass pigs eva scream. "I was scared" "I thought they were reaching" "I felt my life in danger" SHE DIDNT DO SHIT YOU SHOT HER NOT ONCE BUT TWICE!!! FUCKIN TWICE!!" He shouted angrily.

"How many more huh?! How many more of us are you gonna take!? Thas my entire world and you might've taken that away! YOU DONT EVEN CARE!"

He finally broke, a few people nodded their heads in agreement and some looked at each officer with pure hatred.

Wait (August Alsina) book 1Where stories live. Discover now