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September 20th three weeks later.

Since the incident August has really been distant, I called him for his birthday but he didn't answer, but he read my message.

I heard him talking to my grandma, I just couldn't figure out why he was ignoring me. I didn't even celebrate my 22nd birthday, Shantelle and my grandma tried to make me, but I couldn't.

August being August came over like he ain't do shit and we ended up having sex, but he left once I fell asleep.. I kinda felt like a fool, I guess he knew he fucked up cuz he brung a puppy over the next morning.

Once he told me how he found her and how much time he spent into making sure everything was right so he could bring her home, I got a little happy.

He normally calls around this time, he must be out early this time, I guess I'll have to get used to this minimum communication thing we got going on. I hated it cuz I missed him but it was like he didn't care, cuz he was always ignoring me.

Once I snapped a few pictures of Bella, I replied back to Shantelle then stood up and proceeded to walk. "Should we go find an ice cream shop?" I asked as if she would respond.

"That's what I'm craving, but I know grandma gonna be calling me if we don't hurry back." I said and she barked like she already knew, which made me smile.

"Maybe she fixed us some breakfast." I said more to myself as I let her lead the way back, since she knew it so well, which was surprising.

"If I had no more time.. no more time left to be here. Would you cherish what we had? Was it everything that you were lookin' for?"

I sang Alicia Keys Like You'll Never See Me Again to myself softly. "If I couldn't feel your touch, and no longer were you with me. I'd be wishing you were here." I continued as I looked around the area like I haven't seen it already.

"Hit it Bella." I chimed and she started barking causing me to laugh. "They don't know you can sing, that'll be our secret." I giggled as we approached my grandma house.

I took the leash off her and unlocked the door letting her run freely inside, I smelled breakfast, but I also heard small talking.

Bella stopped barking and just continued to run around excitedly and she only did that for a few people. I decided not to think so much of it and I made my way up stairs seeing that whoever grandma was talking to ain't want their presence known.

"Sani you wasn't gonna speak?" Her soft voice called from behind right before my foot could touch the first step. I sighed softly and turned around.

"Good morning mama." I greeted hugging her, "How was your walk?" She asked after we pulled away, "It was something I needed, who's in the kit-." Before I could finish August came around the corner holding Bella and I gave grandma a disapproving look, but she smirked at me.

"I gotta go shower." I half lied, truth is I just didn't wanna speak to him, I don't have time for whatever game he was playing. "Really Sani?" My grandma asked as I turned and began walking upstairs.

"Stop being so sneaky grandma damn." I stressed ignoring her little fit and Aug's call. They both were gonna drive me crazy or be the cause of my early death, I just knew it.
"Not gon' speak?" He asked coming in my room like I invited him. "You don't call me this morning, you didn't FaceTime me last night or the other night, you ignore my messages, it's been what? 3 weeks and the only time you really spoke to me was on my birthday and that was just to have sex! but expect me to speak to you? Let yourself out."

I said not even looking at him, I just continued to rub on Bella softly as she laid here asleep. "I be busy or did you forget?" He asked taking a seat on the bed and I grew even more pissed.

Wait (August Alsina) book 1Where stories live. Discover now