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August 23rd ( a month later )

"Are you gonna do anything for August birthday?" Shantelle asked as we jogged through the park. "I don't know, he told me he doesn't want anything.. that him meeting me was the best gift received." I said smiling at the last part.

She gagged and I shoved her lightly, "No but I honestly see a change in him. He's not so hot headed like he used to be, he'd still off a nigga in a heart beat, but now it's like he thinks about some stuff before he does it as if he's thinking how you would handle it."

She explained, "He's not soft, far from that, but he does seem to debate on his choices like he's thinking how it would affect you in a sense." She went on and I just listened, I guess I haven't been around him as long as they have to actually notice.

But I did notice that he doesn't spazz out or get so angry with me like he used to and he always wants to be around me instead of leaving me by myself now.

He even cut back on how many times he stays out late for business, some times he just has Craig and Gyptian handle it for it.

"I never really heard him talk about marriage or kids for as long as I've known him, but lately that's all G and I ever hear.. I like this new found August, I'm glad you came along." She said as we stood in the middle of the grass to take a break.

"I some times feel like I may lose him.. I think I just let my doubts get the best of me." I admitted as I looked at my fresh manicure.

"Why you say that?" She asked raising a brow, I just shrugged. "I can almost sense it, we love each other, but that may not be enough.." I mumbled, she didn't respond and neither did I.

"Give it to God, he always works things out on his time." She said patting my back as we started back walking in the direction of her car.

"I guess." I said more to myself. "Are you gonna do anything for your birthday?" She asked as I moved out the way for a passing biker.

"I don't know.. twenty two isn't as exciting as turning twenty one.. I'll prolly just down a bottle of ciroc or something.. I don't know." I answered and she glanced at me then shook her head.

"Yo mood changed so quick it's scary.." she stated laughing slightly and I gave a weak smile. "It happens.. sorry." I replied as we got to her car, once she unlocked the door we climbed in and I chugged down my whole bottle of Gatorade.

"You wanna go to my house or back to Aug's?" She asked starting the car up. "To August." I answered looking over his strange texts. "Alright." She said as she backed out, but I zoned out as I kept re reading August's message.

"We should break up."
Shantelle waited until I got inside before she beeped her horn and pulled off. When I got in the house, I called for August but got no reply. The text from earlier kept replaying in my head and I felt an headache coming on.

I headed up the stairs where I heard Lil Wayne's Blunt Blowin playing. I walked in his room and seen him laying on his back with a half blunt in his hand as he mouthed the words.

"Babe?" I called softly, not sure of what reaction I would get from him. He looked at me then back up at the ceiling, I felt my heart drop slightly for an unknown reason.

"Can I uh.. sit down?" I asked hesitant, he shrugged and I took in a breath before I walked over and climbed on the bed after removing my sneakers.

"You cheated on me?" He finally asked after I've been sitting here watching him finish his blunt. "Huh? No." I answered confused by his question, "You sho'?" He asked not even looking at me, it was like I disgusted him and that cut me deep.

Wait (August Alsina) book 1Where stories live. Discover now