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Same day, just a few hours later.

"Look who finally decided to come out the room!" G announced causing everyone to look my way as my Grandma and Shantelle headed towards the kitchen.

"You needed yo sidekick I see." He teased and I just stared at him, I felt like shit and as much as I wanted to joke with him, I wasn't for it.

"How you feelin' ?" August asked standing behind me, as I looked through the different containers and trays of food, everything smelled so good, but I knew I could only eat a little

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"How you feelin' ?" August asked standing behind me, as I looked through the different containers and trays of food, everything smelled so good, but I knew I could only eat a little.

"I think my throat gotten a little better." I replied, my voice was raspy as hell. If I didn't have to talk I wouldn't, cuz I hated the way my voice sounded at the moment.

"Sounds like its gotten worse." He stated taking the plate from me and went ahead to fill it up as I pointed to things I wanted. Shantelle and my Grandma was standing off to the side whispering to each other as they watched us, I was so tired of them.

They get so bubbly about the smallest stuff, I'm over it. "She got you fixing her food? Let me find out you in love!" A pretty brown skin girl said touching his arm then looked at me.

She had to be standing at, at least 5'5 maybe 5'6, she reminded me of the dark skin Claire from my wife and kids, just with a little more weight on her.

"Peyton carry yo ass bruh for she beat yo' ass, lil sis got dat' strong right hook.. I'm tryna warn you." Gyptian instigated as everyone else ate and looked at me, like I was really upset or something.

"I'm not doing anything, Aug knows I'm jus' fuckin' with him, right?" She asked leaning against the wall staring at him, then me briefly. He seemed to be ignoring her as he finished fixing my plate, "Get yo sista' B." He said looking at Craig.

I thought her features seemed a little familiar. "Thas' on her." He responded looking in Shantelle's way, her and my Grandma was too into their conversation, but I know they were listening just in case.

"What's your name?" She asked grabbing my arm, right before I could leave out the dining area with August. I glanced down at her hand and she moved it slowly. "Dasani." I replied then covered my mouth as I coughed.

"That's pretty, I'm Peyton." She smiled, "Nice to meet you." I said walking away before she could say anything else. Her energy was mad rocky and my head was starting to hurt as I tried to figure out if she was genuine.

"She an ex?" I asked August when he pulled me on to his lap, "Nah just tried to get me to fuck wit' her a few times, I think she still mad I kept turning her down." He said shaking his head.

Wait (August Alsina) book 1Where stories live. Discover now