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Friday, March 27th ( two weeks later )

"I swear you always looking cute as hell!" Shantelle complimented as we headed to the magazine stand. "I gotta keep up with you." I said looking over her outfit.

"Girl I don't know, I think I gotta start taking pointers from you, cuz those shoes are to die for and that jacket is everything!" She boasted causing me to cheese.

"I see why August be acting crazy whenever you ignore his calls, pretty face, great personality, nice ass body, got yo own money, you take care of yourself and yo grandma and you even buy gifts for us just because. You got a new car and paid it off and tryna get yo own spot.. but August ain't letting you."

She said laughing at the last part, I glared at her. I've been tryna move out for a week now and August be having a fit, boy will not let me leave, it's cute but damn I like my own space.

"You know you love staying with him, Grandma Hattie said she's surprised you even lived with him for this long, knowing how both of y'all are." She went on and I rolled my eyes.

Her and grandma was always talking about me. "Anyways, how's your love life?" I asked switching subjects, she shrugged. "I'm talking to this one guy, but I may cut him loose, he's a boring texter and he barely likes to talk on the phone." She said and I shook my head.

"August was a terrible texter, but our phone conversations were always good and different. When we hung out it was even better, maybe you and the guy should hang out." I suggested, "I'll think about it." She said as she picked up a fashion magazine.

"Does he work?" I asked just being nosy, "Yup." She replied and I stared at her. "So that explains why he doesn't like to talk.. why don't y'all hang out?" I asked, she shrugged as we walked inside the corner store.

"Complicated." She said and I decided to leave it alone, sensing she wasn't gonna tell me. "Good afternoon my two favorite shoppers." Mr. Ray said, we both waved to him then headed to our favorite aisle.

"I think I want some fruit chews and hot fries." I said looking at the different varieties of candy. "I also want a frappe." I mumbled more to myself.

"I'ma get me a Blue raspberry calypso, some starbursts, Doritos andddd some gummy worms." She said picking them up as she said it.

I giggled as I did the same. "I swear we act like kids every time we come in here." She said as we sat our stuff on the counter. "Facts." I said taking out my card before she could try to pay.

"No honey buns today?" He asked faked hurt and we both laughed.

"Not today Mr. Ray." I said, he rung our stuff up as we had a small conversation. Once we got our stuff and said goodbye we headed up the street back to our building.

Yeah we could've drove, but that was a waste of gas and plus I liked the time we spent together. I feel like I rarely get to see her.

"Are you hanging with me or am I'm going to your office?" I asked her as we got inside walking through the lobby.

"We can hang out in mine today, I need your help with some paper work." She stated, "Cool with me." I replied as she hit our floor number on the elevator.

"Good afternoon ladies." Jason one of our coworkers greeted, he was a nice looking white man, he was from California. He reminded me of Damon from the Vampire Diaries.

"Afternoon Jason." I responded as we all stepped on the elevator, I seen Shantelle shake her head. She couldn't stand him. "Get anything for me?" He asked pointing to my bag.

Wait (August Alsina) book 1Where stories live. Discover now