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November 16th

"When the last time you spoke to sis?" G asked when we left Ghost spot after collecting are half and being told about some new shipments he got coming in soon.

"I don't kno'.." I replied hitting the button on my key chain to pop my trunk. I tossed the duffel bags inside then got inside the car.

Once he got settled I started the car up but ain't pull off. "It's been like a month?" He asked and I shrugged, I tried to erase her from my memory, but I couldn't.

"I think it's time y'all talked, you still got her number cuz I'm constantly seeing her blowing you up, but you be ignoring it." He said and I shook my head, this nigga pays too much attention.

"We just handled that fuck boy two nights ago, we just got the one scary lil nigga left, so you needa talk to her, cuz you ain't been yourself and we all noticed." He went on, I put the car in drive and pulled out on the street ignoring him.

"Yeah she pulled a gun out on yo ass, that's cuz she was tired. You got this thing where you want everyone to kiss yo ass and do as you say, Sani ain't like that and you couldn't handle that shit."

He stopped and I glanced at him then back at the road. "She just wanted to hear from you, you could've told her the reasoning for not being able to call her like usual and why you couldn't stay no more than thirty minutes at her grandma crib, you had plenty of time to explain shit to her, but you decided not to, you fucked up by keeping her in the dark and she fucked up for doing what she did, but you gotta understand her side as well."

He went on and I sighed, I really did not have time to hear this shit. "You kno' how to push people buttons Yung, you continuously pushed hers until she had no more left. I would've fucked my girl up if she did what Dasani did, but you brung it on yourself and I almost wished she would've shot yo ass in yo foot or something so you would understand to stop fucking with her."

He said nonchalant and I shook my head, this nigga was finna piss me off. "I don't care about you being mad, cuz you needa hear this shit. You my bro and I'ma tell you when you're wrong, yeah you wanted to keep her safe but you hurt her by keeping her in the dark about shit, you foul for that B."

He finished and I looked his way then back towards the road. "You done?" I asked, "Is you an asshole? There's Yo answer." He replied and I chuckled.

"You gon' answer or not?" He questioned referring to Dasani blowing me up for the third time today, I hit decline and he shook his head.

"You ain't shit, she could be in danger or some shit and you just wanna be stubborn." He whined like a bitch and I stared at him funny as I made a turn on my street.

"You act like you love her or some shit." I said glancing at him, "First of all she's my sister, second she's not dark skin, third you ain't shit and needa get yo ass beat one good time, I may be the one to do it if you keep with yo slick ass comments."

He said in all seriousness but I just laughed it off, I don't never back down from a fight, so if he wanted to we could fight right in my crib, it's nothing.

"Say when and we can get it popping." I told him and before he could respond he busted out laughing causing me to furrow my brows.

"Guess you should've answered yo phone." He said still laughing once I realized what he was laughing at I damn near lost my mind, she couldn't be that stupid.

"Get yo man sis! Fuck August!" He encouraged hopping out the car before I could put it in park. I mumbled a series of curse words to myself as I put the car in park and turned it off before hopping out ready to box the nigga that was smiling all in her face.

Wait (August Alsina) book 1Where stories live. Discover now