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Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

"You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.' My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."

I mumbled to myself as I read a part from the Job chapter on my Bible app. We had our meeting today, but not everyone was in the room, so I kept myself busy with this while Shantelle made small talk with Joy.

"I'll give everyone ten more minutes and if they don't show up, they'll have ta' figure the shit out for themselves." Jane announced, I could clearly see she was upset, out of all our meetings this was the second one where people didn't show up.

Last week four of our coworkers never showed up, now we were missing at least 7 people. "Hey are you gonna be busy after this?" Jason asked pulling up a seat by me, "Far as I know of.. no." I responded a little confused.

He grabbed a bag of chips from the bowl and offered it to me, but I declined. "I was wondering if I could take you out?" He asked and I smiled shaking my head.

"I have a boy friend.. almost everyone here knows that." I said tilting my head some and he chuckled. "I just wanted to go as friends, I need some advice on something and since Shantelle doesn't like me, you were my last resort."

He said and I just stared at him, if this was August I'd be highly jealous, so I knew me saying yes was a no go. "I can't, maybe Jane or Joy can help." I said and he frowned.

"It's cool, I'll figure it out on my own." He mumbled opening the small bag of cheetos, I kinda felt bad for declining. I mean we were JUST friends, right when I went to tell him I would, Shantelle grabbed my arm.

"Nope, don't do it, I smell trouble and fighting, nope abort, sink ship." She said causing me to erupt in laughter, I swear I couldn't stand her dramatic ass. A few people looked our way as we laughed and I quickly stopped and glared at her.

"I'm just saying, I had to deal with people like him and if I know August he'll tell you he doesn't care, but his ass would ask hella questions and look his ass up, leave it alone, all these lil hoes he talk to and he claims you're the only one he can go to about this? Really Sani? You're smarter than that." She whispered, when she puts it that way, I guess I wasn't being so smart.

"You right." I mumbled playing with my pen. "Good of you join us Mr. Turner.. where's the rest of the crew?" Jane asked Nick once he walked in and took his seat.

"I don't know, I got caught in traffic on my way from lunch." He replied, she shook her head mumbling stuff to herself. "We've waited long enough, you can catch them up if you want, this is the second time, three strikes you're out."

She said sternly, "That's the Jane I remember." Shantelle whispered and I shook my head, she just loved when people get mean.

After the meeting that lasted a little longer than normal, I finished up my last few papers, then decided to stop by to see my Grandma.

She never did tell me what her and Aug had talked about and he always played dumb whenever I brung it up, I was so sick of them.

He's been hanging with her a lot lately, I was starting to get jealous. Like he was my man, she even be calling him when I be tryna get some and he be answering like it's nothing, I be ready to beat both them up.

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