26.) "Just a fool in love"

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May 3rd, ( 3 weeks later )

"Sani it's been three weeks since your grandma was laid to rest.. you gotta tell me how you feel baby.. I can't help if I don't know what's going through your head." I expressed myself to her.

"You've been throwing up whatever you eat and I'm not sure if it's cuz you're sick or you're doing it purposely.. you gotta let me in Princess." I pleaded with her.

Looking at me, I thought she was gonna speak but she looked away.

"I'm going crazy over here Dasani, I need you to talk to me or at least laugh. This silence is bothering me." I vented standing up.

Hearing her sniffle I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I miss her.." she finally spoke and I turned to look at her. "It's okay to, but Shantelle and them miss you too. I miss you baby." I said sitting in front of her.

"Spending every day here alone with no one to talk to about how I actually feel... going weeks without talking, it's the loneliness.. I can't take it." She explained.

"You aren't alone Princess, I'm here you've just gotta let me in

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"You aren't alone Princess, I'm here you've just gotta let me in." I told her as I held her face making her look at me.

"I understand you're hurting baby, but holding it in isn't good." I told her then placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm here for you do you understand that? You're my Fiancé and I'd be damned if I keep coming in this house just to not hear your voice." I said wiping under her eyes.

"I've missed you man." I announced pulling her into me. "I'm sorry." She apologized before she started crying on my shoulder.

"We're gonna get through this.. together baby I promise." I assured her, hugging me tighter she continued to cry.

"I got you." I repeated over and over as I rubbed her back.

It had to have been around 12 when we got in the bed and again she cried herself to sleep. I felt bad cuz I couldn't do nothing to help.

All I could do was be here and hold her, but no words would bring her grandma back or help her feel better.

"Where you going?" I asked when Sani moved from off of me. "Don't feel g-" before she could finish, she hopped over me and ran to the bathroom.

Getting up, I walked towards the bathroom and leaned in the doorway watching her throw up. "I think the fish was bad." She mumbled, sitting by the toilet.

"I got it fresh Princess." I informed flushing the toilet then cut the faucet on for her. "Well maybe it was undercooked." She said as she grabbed her toothbrush.

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