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Later that evening

"Bro I'm surprised yo ass in the club tonight." G called over the music as we sat watching one of the dancers. "If I own it I'ma pop up every once a while just to make sure shit still straight."

I replied as I chugged my drink. "Nah yo ass just getting tired of lil sis, thas' what yo controlling ass get." He added and I smacked my lips, I was no where near tired of lil mama, I just needed a night out.

"I'm not controlling and I ain't tired of my girl." I informed as I looked throughout the club. "Mhm" Craig hummed and I shot him the bird.

"What you gon' do for yo birthday?" G asked and I shrugged. "Put a baby in Dasani I bet, cuz her birthday a few days after his." Craig goofy ass joked and G laughed.

"Fuck y'all, mind ya' business always clockin' me, y'all needa get y'all dicks wet and stop worrying about mine." I said as I poured another drink.

"Damn nigga gettin' defensive and shit, touchy subject I see." They both teased and I just stared at them, I often wondered why I never just shot these niggas ways ago.

"You want a dance?" A pretty dark skin asked, but I declined. "You don't like what you see Yung'?" She asked making her fake ass clap and I shook my head.

"Move around before you don't have a job." I warned staring at her and her mouth dropped. "Always hurting these broads yo, you can dance on me." G said just right, proud I had no choice but to laugh.

She looked like she was gonna break her leg from how hard she was tryna keep her ass jiggling, I guess I must've been staring too hard or something cuz Craig dumb ass busted out laughing.

"Fix yo face Yung, lookin' like you smelling three day old shitty diapers." He joked and I chuckled before taking a few sips. I be forgetting that Gyptian love him some dark skins.

"Maybe it's the weed or the liquor.. or prolly both, but I swear that girl over there arguing with security is Dasani." He said causing me to snap my head in the direction of the yelling.

"What da' fuck she doing here?!" I asked no one in particular as I stood. "Here, good job!" G said handing the girl some money before they followed me.

"I don't care who you are, I'm looking for my boy friend!" Her short ass shouted as a small crowd began to form. "B-" before he could finish that word I pushed him back some.

"Thas' me, I'a handle her." I told him not even looking his way, but kept my hard stare on Dasani ass. "Ight boss man." He said before walking away.

"Y'all can get out or go on about yo' business, ain't shit ta' see hea'." I semi snapped and they all scurried off to find shit to do. "You in troubleeee!" G teased and she rolled her eyes.

"Not right now Shadow.." She mumbled as she shifted under my gaze. "Why you bring yo ass in hea' causing a scene?! Do you kno' da' danger you could've put yo self in?! I told you ta' call me if you needed me! Not leave da' fucking house at 2 in da' damn morning!"

I snapped as I pulled her towards the entrance with Craig them following close behind. "You ain't gotta pull on me like that, damn don't even give me a chance to explain!" She argued as she snatched away and glared at me.

"Why are you hea?" I asked in a softer tone as I ran my hand down my face. "Because someone sent me this." She said shoving her phone in my face, I had to leaned back some and squint.

"Let me see." G nosy ass said as I looked over the text. "You heal quick.. don't get too comfortable.." I read the text out loud. "I tried to call the number but it's no longer in service." She added about to sit on the ground but I pulled her into me.

Wait (August Alsina) book 1Where stories live. Discover now