The Tweet

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(I put the link to Stacy's 2014 tweet but could one of you guys please tell me how to copy image URL so I can have a picture that saves above the title?)

  "@Graser10 joins my empty channel on TeamSpeak the exact same second Page snuggles my leg and I say 'Hi baby' to her. That was awkward".  --Stacy Hinojosa on Twitter, April 2014

  --Stacy Hinojosa on Twitter, April 2014

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Anyway... this little coincidinc occured in late 2014. Stacy decided she'd tweet about it. To this day we don't know how Graser reacted but I'm sure it was awkward. Also the question comes to mind: why did Graser join her empty teamspeak channel in the first place?

The fact that Stacy felt comfortable enough to tweet this shows that the ship doesn't really bother her (there have been other instances that have shown this as well). Who knows how there conversation went afterward... lol.

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