Cube ep. 3: "Horse Night'mare'"

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G: Eh!

S(happily yells): Graser!

S: Hey...! What's up?

G(laughs joyfully and playfully): Hehehe

S:Welcome to my home!

G(sleepily stuttering): Hey-I--I've-I've never actually seen your entire home before. 

G(more awake now): I was here--I was here last night cause you needed help with anviling and fixing things, but that's about it. Then I left. Wanted to leave the tour for on recording... 

S: Welcome!

G(continuing): ... but, uh... yesterday you--struggles to speak--there was an incident yesterday where I was helping you and you screamed because you thought I was a mob.

S: There was a small incident, yes....

G: Almost broke my eardrums....

S: No-no-no, this is how I remember it: it was that I was talking to you on teamspeak about  maybe you bringing an anvil over to my house.

S: Nothing had been set in stone. No plans had been made. 

G: Haha

S(innocently): And then, all of a sudden, my door opens. And so yes, I screamed because I assumed a creeper had learned how to open a door.

G(while laughing in disbelief) : Oh-my-gosh...


G(unsurely): Do you want start going through the hills...? Or what?

S: Um, you can come up this way, if you want the grand tour of like what I'm going to do. 

G: Alright, perfect.

S: I think I'm gonna build--I think I'm going to dig into the mountain and build a horse trail up the mountain....

G: Oh, woah, that's so cool (referring to the terrain under her eventual home, not to what she was just saying)!

S: I know! I think that over here mught be where I farm, maybe.

G: I like--oh my gosh--I like how there's like uh, savannah inside this hilly area. This is actually a very nice place--Oh, and there's a waterfall! 

S: Yeah. It's--

G: You can do alot woth this placre.

S: It's pretty... I'm not goingto lie, it's pretty peaceful here

G: Hahe It actually is! It's pretty cool....

G: I love all the horses and everything. You're planning to get a horse I assume? He

S: Well, that actually is why I asked you here. I want you to help me tame a horse.

G: Ahhh, Okay.

S: Yeah.

G: That sounds sweet! Hahahhe

S: If you're up to that.

S(continuing): I've got one picked out.

 G(rhetorically): Okay, you have one picked out? S--

S: Yes.

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