All Other Convention Meet Ups W/ Them

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9:18 That hug was so passionate!

9:30 The first of the two she mentions is Graser, and then Straub....

9:33 He's touching her shoulder and then Straub procedes looking back and forth at them while smiling awkwardly. At first he's like "what are you doing, man? Why so dramatic?" later he acts cool and moves hair away, looks at them four times to and fro, and then looks away and grins.


S: My pax experience has been amazing...!

G(emphasizing): Amazing!

S: Who did I already meet today? Raise your hand!

crowd cheers

S: See how cool? It's been great....

G: Maybe because you got to hangout with me, Stace... cause you love me!

crowd: awwww

Straub playing along: D-awwwwwh

S: Yeah, that too....

Straub: Puking sound (Jeez so inconsistant, first he's like aww, and then when Stacy agrees to his remark just to get it over with he's like ewwwww....)

S: So much--so much Graser, that it hurts.

G: You too, Straub...!

Straub: Help me.

crowd laughs

G: Why does nobody love me?

S: laughs

Aureylian: There's so much love on the other end of the table.

Parker: I know. I feel very alone.

G: laughs at this

Aurey: Me too!

S: Graser's like-- since I don't have a dog here I just like pet Graser.

Parker and Aureylian: laugh in background

Straub: You might want to- you might want to keep your hands off that one.

S: Good Graser, good Graser! chortles No-- really... we don't have a topic.

What even was that introduction.................................................................................?

Not only was he genuinely worried about being late he was concerned that she didn't think of going indoors if the weather was that hot.

  Graser: Why didn't you go inside [the restaurant]? It's so hot. 

Stacy: (pretending) walking towards him I'm ticked. Stacy:* Fakes him out punch* Did i miss? 

Graser: Noo..--while smiling sort of -wait-

Stacy: I faked you out! Remember the mineclash I won, and we were on different servers, so I couldn't kill you? And I said I would punch you at minecon. 

 Graser: Oh!Stacy: I had to make you think I was mad. 

 Stacy: hugs people, and gets to Graser "Grasey, I'm not mad at you!" hugs .. but I still have to punch you. punches around chest area 

 Graser: Oww! 

 Stacy: And a little kid at minecon told me to tell you that you stink.

 Graser: Oh... ouch, alright....

2:03 Will's staring at them....

2:31 The fact that Will had to say this for the third time. "He was freaking out, he was freaking out"....

BONUS ROUND (for the LOLs)


G: Wait you recorded that?!

S: Yeah, cause that's how I get my thumbnail!

G: You do that in real life too?!

S: Yeah!

G: I'm just going to be watching that back, it's going to be so weird....


16:38 The happy way she says "Graser" even 18 seconds after they've already talked.

Also the whole "stalker" thing is a complete tease after mineclash 103....

Why #Gracy was and Still is Shipped (Forgotten Moments, Torn Up Memories)Where stories live. Discover now