Reddit UHC with Them in It

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At 11:49

G: Oh, it's just us left!


G: It's just us. Everyone's dead.

S: WE WON!!!

G: No. No, we didn't. We got to kill the enderdragon.

(the other say the same)


G: Alright, sweet! Thanks for watching everybody. Hope you guys all enjoyed, I will see you all again next time!

S: Yay, congratulations Fin!-- Page and Molly love you all, go rescue a dog.

G: I don't want to rescue a dog today.

(laughter in the background)

Fin: Does that mean we don't

S: Graser... just do it.

G: T-hehehehehehe

G: Yes! Stacy, we're starting!


G: Woohoo!


S: Oh you have three.

G: Yeah, I'm just getting the reeds over here. There's reeds over this way.

S: Oh you got--

G: And there's a wolf.

S(alerted): There's a wolf?!

G(casually): Yeah, we could tame dogs, maybe? If we get bones.

S: That's so rare. We need bones.

G: There's so many wolves here, oh my goodness.

S: Make a little home for them and then right down the coords!

G: Okay.

S(skeptically): Really?

G: Let's do it.

S: Are you going to block them in?

G: Yeah, let's do it.

S: Oh my gosh that's so funny....


G: Alright, let's dip (leave) this cave. It doesn't look like it's doing any good. 

S: YEAH! We're gonna dip you CAVE!

G: chuckles while blocking up out of cave


S(sarcastic): Great. Thanks-- thanks for staircasing up there....

G: Hahahehaheh I knew you were going to say something about that.

S: For pillaring.


G: There's so much gold, Stacy.

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