"I love you todAY. Do you love me friend?" (Cube ep. 14)

201 3 0

22:50 (H was streaming during this time, I don't know where the Livestream is though)

Side note: This is most likely the least caught Gracy moment that is genuinely undeniably adorable and fishy.


G: "I love you toDAY. Do you love me friend"?

Devon: laugh-wheezing in the background

S: Ok. Silence, please.

G: Hahehe

S: Graser, no one cares about your emotional issues.

G: Hahaha

S: We're (her and H) about to breed some donkeys.

Devon: Oh my goodness....

G: Are you serious...?

S: H, where are you?

H: Right behind you.

S: Okay, where's the other one (donkey).

H: Uh, over here. I'll grab him.

Parker: airy laughing and then muting for a few seconds to catch his breath

. . . 


S: Alright, H. What's his name going to be?

H(contently): TOMMY JOE!

S: Tom--ew. Okay.... Well, that's nice.

Graser & the others burst in laughter (apparently they're still there).

H: Woow... taken aback

Why #Gracy was and Still is Shipped (Forgotten Moments, Torn Up Memories)Where stories live. Discover now