Random Debatably Cute Instants

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The below videos will be similar to the mineclash videos in that they're very short lasting sweet moments that come from Graser's season 1 cube episodes and perhaps another series or two such as Graser's perspective of mineclash.


When he notices her and walks up to her she just runs away like "I wasn't stalking you guys", "what? You didn't see me!", or "no, I was caught!". I find it very adorable and random.


G: I like it, I like it. I think I like it....

S: Thank you!

G: I--I--

S: You think you--- okay well, let me know.

G: HahaHa 'let [you] know'

S: Get back to me, Graser. I'll be waiting. I'll be like very stressed out until then.

Also this is the episode where the infamous horse fail happens. I thought some of you guys would like to know.


Her voice seems to turn into a sort of higher pitch sort of lilt or cadence and she only seemed to ever use this sing-songy voice when greeting him. This is only one of the many times she's done this. It seems playful.


Just a bonus to make you chuckle


Yeah, sure Stacy... I'm pretty sure you never changed the price and somehow got like two or three sales from Parker and someone else (I can't remember who).


Following in the footsteps of Graser. Of blocking people in when they're afk.


The sincere shame and guilt from Stace for having had let Fred out. Graser probably was not upset because he already had fixed the mess the explosion had made and sorted all the items in the chests; and as Graser would say back then, "c'est la vie".


He was so worried about having let Stacy's nether tunnel get damaged. Idk if this is because it took him a long time to dig it all out or cause he's scared of girls or because he genuinely wouldn't care as much if it was, let's say... Parker's nether tunnel.

He was standing right on top of the prize chest and so he had to look right below him to open it. Someone hit him off and he was still looking down giving the impression that he was really disappointed when he honestly really didn't care about it and was like "what...?" when the others like "don't be sad".

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