Cube ep. 28: "Minecraft Horse Challenge"

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Starting at 27:17 but 28:07 might also be a good place to start since what he says kind of sounds cute. Kind of, depends on how you interpret it though.

S(smh): Graser, Graser, Graser....

G(happily): StaCy! Woohoo!

S: Do you have the final horse I have been looking for?

G: Literally you put a picture of the horse in the skype chat, I went out looking for not two minutes and I found it. So I want to show you something.

S(in disbelief): What?

G: I want to show you something. Starts sprinting to some XP, Stacy follow him (lol)

G: I was just getting that XP. Follow me. So, you've been at my house before, right? 

S: Uh.. um, maybe once. I don't even remember.

S(bewildered and not expecting it): Do you--I don't think--I didn't think you were by savannah or plains.

G: I know, most people look at the back, but if you go up the front... we see this humongous plains biome.

S: Ooh....

G:  And it's beautiful.

G: So what I did was--I was like 'okay, I got this plains biome and I've got horses in it...'. 

S: Haha

G: ... Let's look.

S: I sent you on a horse scavenger hunt?

G: Yes, I wanted  to find the horse. I wanted to be the one to  give you the final horse (That's either  him trying to impress her or just his ego. Like I said it depends on how you interpret it).

S: Uhuh.

. . .

G: So I was looking around and was like 'maybe I don't have it'. But then there's this little entrance through these trees here that leads to even more upper plains.

S: Okay.

G: And this is where your horse is.

S: Gasp (Is that what that was?)

G: I found it. I looked at the picture and I looked back at it multiple times. It matches. I hope it does.

G: It's right there, do you see it?


G(anxiously): Stacy?

S(annoyed): I don't see it, Graser....

G(confused): Is this not the horse?

S: This isn't the horse.

G(baffled): That's not the horse?

S(coming to realization): Yes it is! YAY! HeheheHeheheh 

G: Yeah, I was going to say--can't hear the rest cause Stacy's being too loud

S: Actually, no, when you first said that the tall grass completely blocked him and I was thinking you were meaning that one over their, punches toward the direction of another horse further back and I was like "oh my gosh, Graser, that is not the horse...", but no, this is the horse. You've done it! 

S(gazing at the field): Look at all of--wait a minute--

G: What?

S: This is literally like half the horses I needed. (....)

G: Yeah... I'm sorry. It's a beautiful place and I forgot I had this around.

S: Ukhff (how?)

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