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"I love you"
Those words can mean so much, and yet can mean nothing. They can fill you with warmth, but can hurt you.
    I was sitting under a cherry blossom with my jet black hair flowing in the wind. One of my close friends named Frey was walking by so he sat down with me, he had spiky grey hair and patronizing, blue eyes. I kinda liked him at the time so I kept that to myself.
"Hey, uh.... Th-there's something I've been meaning to ask you," he stammered.
"What's up?"
"Will you.... Will you go out with me?"
Holymotherofjesuslordwhattheheck, I thought. I simply smiled and nodded, hugging his strong shoulders.
Everything was lovely for about a few of weeks, we were a "cute couple" people would say. My best friend Akira was jealous though, for she liked him too at the time.
It was Frey's birthday so I wanted to surprise him. I walked over to his apartment with balloons and a cake I made. I smiled widely until a girl- who by coincidence was Akira- opened the door. With her messy brown hair she was covered with a blanket, obviously naked under, and widened her hazel eyes.
"Baby, come back!" Frey's voice called.
"Ryumi!" She gasped. Right behind her was Frey, shirtless in his white boxers.
"Oh no...." He murmured.
I stood there, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"You really are pathetic." Akira spat,"No wonder Frey cheated on you with me."
"Pathetic?" I echoed. "I don't think I'm the pathetic one here. I didn't have to go behind my friend's back like a coward rather than straight up telling her that I liked her boyfriend."
Akira stared at me with eyes filled with hatred. I gave her a sad smile and turned to Frey.
    "Happy Birthday." I said softly before smashing the cake in his face. And I slowly walked away.
     It was childish, I know. But it hurt, and that day I thought that love didn't really exist. As the tears fell down my eyes, rain fell from the sky. I stood alone under the cherry blossom that once filled my heart with warmth. I sat cross legged and cried, but I never noticed the girl who stared at me with sad sympathy.

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