Chapter 6: Search Party.

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"The first forty-eight hours are the most valuable."  I felt my heart jerk when the agent said words that made me feel horrible. How can he even say that? It's been nearly five days since she's gone missing. And they had leads and suspects. I stood in the police station with Frank and the boys. Thomas and Asher had a small bag of chips and possibly cola at the table. Thomas has been taking this pretty hard. He's been issolating himself off and being not himself. He's a little rebel, not doing what he's told.

"Are you sure noone new has entered her life. Maybe a new friend?" The other agent suggested. I looked at Frank and shook my head. I jumped slightly when I felt a little jerking on my shirt. I looked down to see Thoma looking up at me with wide eyes. I sighed.

"Honey, the grown ups are talking." I said to him in a calm voice. Thomas stuttered and stumbled on his words. The agents smiled at us slightly.

"B-but mom! I have something to say! About Penny." His words caught all of our attentions. I knelt down in front of him, Frank hovering over me.

"Sweetie, why didn't you say this sooner?" Frank asked softly. Thomas blushed slightly and looked to the ground.

"Because I forgot but when you said a new friend I remembered!" He exclaimed loudly. We all leaned in for what he had to say. My heart racing in my chest, this could be it.

"There's a new boy at school and he's in Penny's class. He started three weeks ago." He said. The Agents took him into a room while we had to stay out here. They were in there for what seemed like hours. But according to the Agent, for Penelope it was too late.

Thinking about having to prepare a funeral for an eight year old was tough but with everyone here, I think we'll get through. But the meer thoought of it made my stomach turn. It's not fair. What did she do to deserve this? Befriend a little boy in need of a friend at a new school? That's not fair. But deep in my heart I knew she was okay. Scared but unharmed. That made me feel better about things. Before I knew it Thomas came back out and things were set off. The cops were sent off and things were happening. Thomas came and sat on his dad's lap. He didn't want to tell us what he told the Agents and that's okay. He snuggled close to his dad.

Before I knew it we were at the hospital crowding around my little girl. She was so frail. All the happy glowing colour drained from her face making it now ghostly white with dark splotches around her eyes. Her thin lips as pail as her face. She looked sick but the Doctor said she was healthy. They fed her and kept her warm. I held her life like hand and smiled happily.  The family that took her was sick, they never wanted to hurt her. They're family was raised to believe that the boy needed to choose a pure girl, the girl from Boston was deaf so in their eyes she was unpure. Then they moved here and since I taught her to be nice to new people and befriend them, he chose her.

Penelope's hazel eyes shimmered open slowly as she stirred in the bed. I smiled down at her widely.

"Hey girly." I greeted softly. She groaned quietly and sat up slightly. She looked at me weakly and swallowed hard.

"Mom?" Her voice was raspy and tired. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm here sweetie." I said tightening my grip on her hand. Frank had taken the boys home. We're gonna take turns being here. She frowned slightly as the blonde female Agent came in. I think her name is Ceili. But she smiled at Penelope before asking her questions. It was difficult, she was so tired and her voice was strained. Ceili was about to leave the room when a small voice spoke up.

"Ms Ceili." Ceili turned and looked at the little girl with a radiant glowing smile.

"Yes?" She asked. Penelope straightened up and coughed slightly, weazing for air.

"What will happen to Alex? He didn't do anything wrong, he shouldn't be punished." What was she doing? This boy abducted her and held her hostage. Why was she being this stupid. Ceili shrugged and told her something good but I knew better. Since his parents were criminals they'd be put into prison and he'd grow up in the foster care system. He'll probably be abused and neglected his whole life because he took my little girl.

"Sweet heart, that boy took you and probably hurt you. Why do you care?" I asked with a quiet voice. Penelope furrowed her eye brows at me angered. She huffed and puffed at me slightly.

"He didn't. His parents did. And he only hurt me because his dad told him too. I care because he didn't want too. He was forced too. He was only doing what his mom and dad wanted, like I do. If you asked me to kidnap a little boy I would just like when you ask me to clean my room I do it." She made it very clear that Alex wasn't to blame. Maybe she's right, but I wasn't there so I can't tell. I can only agree to disagree. She was such a good person. That's my little drummer girl.

Little Drummer Girl. (Book #3 in the It's the Little Things Series)Where stories live. Discover now