elderflower cordel-mag

65 1 1

350g caster suger
300ml hot water
8 elderflower heads
18g citric acid
1/2 lemon
1 lime
20g fresh root ginger

You'll need:
large mixing bowl
wooden spoon
kitchen scissors
chopping board
cling flim
clean muslin cloth
clean, emtry bottle


1.Put the suger into a bowl, pour on the hot water and stir until the suger has dissolved.

2.Snip the elderflower off the heads and add them to the bowl with the citric acid.Stir gently.

3.Slice the lemon, lime and ginger and add them to the bowl

4.Cover the bowl with cling film and leave it in a cool place for six days.Stir it once every day.

5.Line the sieve with the muslin cloth and strain the mixture through it, into a bottle.

6.Dilute your yummy cordial with cold water for a refreshing treat! It will keep in the fridge for a year (if you don't drink it first.)

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