Seven - "I saw the clown Eds."

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"This is it!" Ben announced

One by one, all of the losers dropped their bikes onto Ben's front lawn. It hadn't taken them very long to get there at all, surprisingly enough Ben actually lived on Lyds' street, something that had been unknown to her until that day. She couldn't believe she'd never noticed him before, neither could her friends.

"Dude, we live on the same street!" She told Ben.

"Yeah I know!" He called over his shoulder before he headed inside the house. How could she have never seen him before? She felt terrible.

The other losers followed him, but Lyds and Eddie stayed outside. With a kind hand, the brown eyed boy helped the older girl off the back of his bike, their hands woven together as her helped her to her feet.

Lyds feet met the ground, and before she realised it she had stumbled forwards, and then Eddie's hands were on her waist, holding her up straight.

The moment she saw their bodies pressed to one another, a strange feeling filled her, one that if she was asked she knew she'd never be able to explain what it meant.
Oh but it meant something alright...

"Uh-" she tucked her hair behind her ear, "Thanks Eds."

"It's no problem." He blushed, "We should go inside."


With their cheeks cherry red from blushing, and smiles on their faces so wide that they hurt, the two friends headed inside laughing and joking together, only to find their friends stood in silence in the middle of Ben's room.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Richie scoffed, "We're you sucking face out there or something?"

"Yeah, your Mom's face." Lyds rolled her eyes

That was when it became apparent to her that Ben's walls were covered with posters of missing kids, news articles on mass murders, and images of the explosion at the Derry Ironworks.

"Cool, huh?" Ben smiled to himself

"Not cool." Richie shook his head, "Nothing about this is cool. Oh, well this is cool right here- oh wait, no it's not."

"What's this?" Stan asked from where he stood

"That's the charter for Derry township."

"Nerd alert!"

"No actually, it's really interesting. Derry started of as a beaver-trapping camp-"

"Still is, am I right boys?" Richie lifted his arm for a high five, which Stan quickly pushed away.

"Ninety-One people signed the charter that made Derry, but later that winter they all went missing from the same place

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"Ninety-One people signed the charter that made Derry, but later that winter they all went missing from the same place."

"The entire camp?" Eddie asked

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now