Thirteen - "He's leaking hamburger helper!"

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So someone asked me if there was any part of this story I regretted writing and this instantly came to mind ^^^^^ Probably should've thought that one through better tbh 😂
and this is also kind of a filler chapter so don't expect too much.

"You!" Mrs Kaspbrak glared, "You did this! You know how delicate he is!"

"W-We were attacked M-Mrs K!"

"No! Don't try to blame anyone else!"

The older woman was red in the face, fury filled every fibre of her body, even as she forcefully pushed Eddie inside of the car she didn't stop being mad for a single second. She was angry with all of the children, perhaps even with Eddie himself, but none more so than Lyds.

"Mrs Kaspbrak, I don't think you understand-" The blonde girl began

"No! You don't understand! You are supposed to be his best friend, you're supposed to protect him from this sort of thing! You failed him Lyds, so don't act like you're sorry now." She hissed, "Don't ever come near my son again."

Tears began to brim Lydia's eyes at the idea of not being able to see Eddie again, she cared for him more than anyone, so it physically pained her to even think of such an idea. Eddie's face only mirrored her own as he stared at his friends through the car window.

"I'll never get to see Lyds again?" Eddie mumbled to himself, the idea alone was unthinkable. He immediately pulled out his inhaler.

Softly, Richie placed an arm around the Greystone girl's shoulders and she immediately leaned into his embrace. There was nothing else she could do, she had thought that she felt powerless against the clown, but Mrs Kaspbrak was a whole other story.

"Please Mrs K, you know I would never let Eddie get hurt!" Lyds pleaded, after all she had offered her life for his only ten minutes earlier.

"But you did!" Sweat ran down Mrs K's round face, and her car keys cluttered to the ground.

"Let me help." Beverly reached out to grab the keys

"No! Get back!" She screeched before picking up the keys herself, "Oh I've heard of you Miss Marsh... and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

"Mrs K, I-"

"No! You are all monsters! All of you, and Eddie is done with you, do you hear? Done!"

With that Mrs K climbed in her car and started the engine. All any of the children could do was helplessly stare at the vehicle as it began to drive away with Eddie inside of it. Lyds felt sick, and she immediately turned so her face was hidden in Richie's shoulder and she began to cry.

"I saw the well." Bill announced once the Kaspbrak's car was out of sight, "W-We know where it is, and next time we'll be better prepared."

"No!" Stan outburst, "No next time Bill! You're insane!"

"Why? We all know no one else is going to do anything!" Bev intervened

"Eddie was nearly killed! Lyds is sobbing! And look at this motherfucker, he's leaking hamburger helper!" Richie motioned at Ben

"We can't pretend it's gonna go away! Ben you said it yourself, It comes back every twenty seven years."

"Fine! I'll be forty and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too."

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