Twenty Two - "Nothing but b*tches."

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Summer, 1993
-5 Years later-

"You've got to be fucking kidding me Eddie..."

Angrily, an eighteen year old Lydia Greystone brought her hands up to her face and wiped away the white hot tears that fell down her face. Mascara stained her cheeks that flushed a bright red, and her hands shook with not only fear but anger too. How could he? How could he do that to her after everything? They promised each other...

"Lyds..." a much older and much more handsome Eddie Kaspbrak crouched down in front of his crying girlfriend. Carefully, both of his hands  found her own and held them as if it was second nature, which it was. "It's not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal, huh? We've been planning to go to college together in New York for two years Eds! And now you're saying it's not a big deal? We're supposed to be leaving in two days!"

"Babe, I gotta stay here with my Mom, she needs me."

"But what if I need you?" Her voice cracked, almost as if she would start crying at any second, "What happened to me, you, Richie and Stan living together? The four of us? We all got accepted in to NYU and we were supposed to go together! A-And now you're giving up on your dream because your Mom wants you to stay in Maine? Please tell me you're joking E, please just tell me you're messing with me."

"You know I can't

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"You know I can't."

"You'll be eight hours away, I'll never see you." The blonde wiped her eyes repeatedly in an attempt to stop any more tears from falling

"Lyds I don't know what else to say..." Eddie paused as he cautiously sat on the beaten up couch beside his girlfriend, he was afraid that she'd crack at any second and either cry or start hitting him, something which he knew she wouldn't do but he had never made her so upset before. There was no saying in what she might do to him. "Look... Why don't we think about our options here? Maybe you can stay here with me? Yeah... We could go to college here in Derry and we could live on campus together, this way we won't have to be apart babe. Nothing would have to change."

"I need things to change Eddie. I can't be in this town anymore. I have to go to New York with Stan and Richie."

All of the teens had forgotten Pennywise the clown a long time ago, he was nothing but a mere image in the back of their hands, long forgotten and thought to be imagined. But even if they had thought they'd forgotten, the feeling It left behind and what It put the town through still lingered in each and every one of them, and that was the thing that drew Lyds away from Derry. And from Eddie.

"Let's just think about this-"

"I get that you want to give everything up to stay in this town and be with your Mom, b-but I can't do that. I can't give up my dreams Eds."

"Not even for me?" The way he looked at her, with bloodshot teary brown eyes and a look of utter despair covering his whole face, it broke her heart. But the young girl  knew that she needed to put herself first for once, even if she did love Eddie so much that it destroyed her.

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