Thirty Four - "You're a fucking superhero."

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The Greystone child turned, hearing the floorboards of the Neibolt house creak beneath her feet as she moved, and there stood out on the lawn was Mike Hanlon. The boy called out to her again and she took a step outside, quickly running down the steps to both him and Stanley, upon realising that Stan was crying.

"Hey, Hey, whats wrong?" She grabbed her best friend before any words could even leave either of their mouths. She grabbed him and wrapped her arms around him tighter than she ever had, allowing her pale hands to rest in his curly hair, but Stanley didn't stop crying, not for a single second.

"Lyds we cant let you go in there." Mike spoke up, his hand pressed against her shoulder, "We know you'll have Bill and Richie and Eddie with you, but... if anything happens to you, I don't think we'll be able to forgive ourselves."

"I know you drew the short straw Lyds." Stan sniffed, wiping his tired eyes, "But if you don't want to go in there - no matter how much it scares me - I'll go in your place, if that's what you want."

"No, Stan-"

"Okay, then I'll go." Mike cut her off, "You're always the brave one Lyds-"

"I'm not doing this because I'm brave, it's like you guys said, I'm doing this because I drew the short straw... and because those three assholes will die without me." The blonde girl chuckled, but her face softened the second her eyes met Stanley's. "I'm going to be okay, you don't need to cry."

"I'm s-sorry."

"You don't have to be apologise either Stan."

"We just love you Lyds, and we want you to be safe." Mike sighed, his arms wrapped around the two friends.

"I love you guys too." She bit her lip, "And I won't ever leave you."


Lydia Kaspbrak blinked and once more she found herself stood on the steps of Neibolt street. She was the last of her friends to head inside and face her own inevitable doom, and for a moment she stopped, reminiscing on a time when she knew she had Stanley to come back out to. She stared on the mossy grass where he had once stood and she felt a tear come to her eye - could her best friend really be dead?

"Lyds?" Mike turned to her, his much bigger hand outstretched, "You coming?"

"Yeah, I'm just trying to be brave." She forced out a laugh

"You're always the brave one." Mike smiled softly and pulled her inside.

Everything was exactly how she remembered it, the dirt and glass crunching underfoot, the vines and weeds growing from the walls, the acid sludge pouring down the stairs, growing closer with every heartbeat.

"I love what he's done with the place!" Richie grimaced, despite his words of positivism he was the one who wanted to be back there the least.

"Beep beep Richie." Bev mumbled as her hand easily slipped into Lydia's

Lyds turned to her in an instant, "You okay Bev?"

"No, not at all. Are you?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Makes two of us." Bev half smiled as the girls ventured further into the Neibolt house.

Lyds hated to admit it out of fear of losing her, but in that moment, she needed Bev more than ever. The girls had always shared such a close bond, especially being the only two females in their friend group, but it wasn't just that that brought them together, it was their mutual traumas, their passions, their love. They were two of a kind. And Lyds couldn't help but experience all of that every time she looked at Bev, and knowing exactly where they were going, well, it made her fear for the red haired woman more than ever. She couldn't lose her, not again.

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