Thirty Six - "I was a sacrifice?"

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IM BACK BABY! I'm gonna keep updating this story this whole month until it's finished, I'm sorry for taking so much time off from writing but my life has been crazy since the last chapter I wrote and my mental health took a huge decline but I'm finally back, I hope y'all enjoy this extra long chapter, thanks for waiting for me and Merry Christmas everybody, I love you all :)


No one had spoke a word since Lydia Greystone's almost death, there wasn't any words to say. What could you say to someone who died right in front of you? I'm sorry? Are you okay? We almost lost you! Nothing felt quite right, and they each knew what the answer to each of their questions would be, it's not your fault, no, I know.

It was all Bill could think about as the losers found themselves crowding around the once dead woman. Lyds had been the only person to be able to understand the same loss that he had faced when he was a child, back then he had so many words to say to her and now there was so little. They'd both seen terrible things, but the thing was the woman had a child now and so Bill knew they couldn't let her experience any more suffering, that the connection had to be broken in order for her and her child to live a safe and somewhat trauma free life. And the link in their chain that needed to be destroyed was Pennywise, even if that took taking one of them with it.

"Lyds." Richie was the first to speak but still his tired eyes didn't meet hers. "You almost died..." his lip quivered.

"It's okay Rich." She half smiled and pulled the taller man into her arms before he had any time to protest at all. "I'm right here... I'm not leaving you. Any of you."

That was all it took for the rest of the losers to crumble into her. She could feel Mike's warm hand pressed against her shoulder and Bev's hair on her cheek and her husband's chest pressed to her back. She wanted to cry, to crack and crumble, but Lyds knew she couldn't do that. She couldn't be the one to break, she had to be the strong one for them.

"I'm okay. It's okay." The blonde woman chuckled and she kissed the top of Richie's head before shoving him and the rest of the losers away. "We all knew I was dead on the inside anyway, what makes a difference if it's on the outside too?"

"You're so morbid Lyds." Ben wiped his eyes with a soft laugh, he gently placed an arm around her helping her up into a sitting position, "God don't ever scare me like that again."

"Any of us. You got that?" Bill added

"Of course, I mean if I died who would be here to annoy you guys?"

"And make us smile." Eddie shone a beaming grin, one of sheer relief, at his wife before all but snatching her from Ben's grasp with an arm around her shoulders of his own.

"I almost just threw up."

"Shut up Richie!" Eddie snapped, barely even sparing his friend a look before he captured his wife's face in the palms of his hands, stopping dead still. "God I-I don't know what to say L."

"Don't say anything." She told him, placing her hands over his own, "Because I'm right here. I'm still right here."

"But you almost weren't." A stray tear fell from Eddie's eye and Lyds was quick to wipe it away, not allowing herself the pain of seeing the love of her love cry tears for her untimely demise.

"No crying Eds." She whispered. "You loser."

"I was always more of a lover." He forced a smile and before he knew it her arms were around his shoulders, trapping his body against her own. She pulled him down beside her against the wooden boards she'd died atop of, hiding her face in his shoulder and fighting her own inner conflict of whether to let her husband see her pain and anguish over what had just happened or to show her happiness of seeing him again when moments before all she could see was darkness. She was truly stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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