Fifteen - "It got Beverly..."

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The next day Lyds and Eddie walked hand in hand into Keane's pharmacy. The sight was sweet really, most individuals would have assumed that the two were first loves, but the truth was Lyds and Eddie didn't know what they were. With all of the kisses and special moments they'd shared together they were quite sure what to call it.

"You here for the refills Eddie?" Mr Keane asked, his eyes trailed across Lyds and the young girl immediately found herself leaning in closer to Eddie.

"Yeah." He mumbled

He lay his cast covered arm on top of the counter and the Greystone girl couldn't help but notice how bare it was. Not a single name was written there, it made her realise how long they'd really not spoken to the others.

"You know it's all bullshit right?" A girl spoke

Greta. Of course it was fucking Greta.
Now, Lyds had always thought that hate was a strong word, she could never hate anyone, it just wasn't in her nature. However when it came to people like Greta and Henry Bowers, well, hatred was an understatement.

But of course the blonde girl didn't let that show and instead she flipped the hair out of her eyes, and shot a glare at the older girl.

"Your medication. They're placebos." Greta shrugged

"What's placebo mean?"

"Placebo means bullshit." Her eyes wandered down to his blank cast, "No friends, huh?"

"I'm his friend, and I'm standing right here." Lyds huffed with a roll of her eyes

It seemed that not only Greta was ignoring her, but Eddie too. The freckled girl was filled with jealousy, for what was no reason at all, and she hesitantly pulled her hand from Eddie's.

"Your cast. No signatures? So sad."

"I didn't want it to get dirty..."

"I'll sign it for you."

Lyds was practically enraged, Eddie was smiling and ignoring her for the same girl who bullied Beverly, for the same girl that spread the rumour that Lyds was screwing Stan. She wanted to grab Eddie by the arm and drag him out of the store and show him who was the one that really liked him.

Jealousy was a bitch.

Chewing on her gum, Greta grabbed a pen from the counter and began to write on Eddie's cast. The brown haired boy stared on in wonder and questioned why someone like her was being so kind to him, the entire situation itself was strange.

He had kissed Lyds, he was holding hands with Lyds, and Greta, a girl who had once bullied himself and his friends to no end, was being kind to him. It was like a dream, but that dream faded away when he saw the word she'd scrawled onto his cast.

"Loser." Greta spoke a loud, "Suits you perfectly huh?"

If Lyds had been angry before, then there was no word that existed that could explain how she felt in that moment. How fucking dare she treat Eddie that way.

"Here's your pills, don't choke." Greta pushed the small orange bottles towards them

"Uh, thanks..."

With red cheeks, Eddie shovelled the bottles of pills into his fanny pack and he turned to leave the store, but he was immediately stopped by a hand touching his shoulder.

"Stay here." Lyds said before she lightly kissed his cheek and returned back to the front of the store.

Silently, the young girl retrieved a bottle of water from one of the shelves in the snack aisle and she took it over to the register where Greta was. She took out a five dollar bill and paid for it. Greta handed her her change, and she placed it in her back pocket.

"Thank you." She smiled, "Oh wait, I almost forgot!"

"Lyds, are you coming? My Mom needs-"

Before Eddie could finish his sentence, and before Greta could stop her, Lyds unscrewed the cap from the bottle of water, leaned over the counter and tipped all of its contents over Greta's head.

"If you ever treat him like that again, I'll make sure you regret it. Oh and a word of advice, don't choke." Lyds smiled sarcastically, and she motioned at the water that dripped off her, "Come on Eds."

Still in a state of shock, Eddie followed Lyds out into the alley beside the store and he retrieved his bike from the ground. Neither of the two said anything, not as Lyds wrapped her arms around Eddie's waist, nor as he began to pedal back in the direction of his house.

"Why did you do that?" He suddenly pulled to a stop


"What you did to Greta back there."

"I did it because she hurt your feelings, and we're a team, in case you don't remember..." She spoke softly, almost as if she was becoming shy around him, "I've got your back Eddie."

"You're the sweetest person I've ever met." He smirked

Silently, the younger boy climbed off of his bike and sat back down so he was facing her. Then he placed one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek and he slowly began to lean in.

"Is this okay?" He asked

"This is perfect."

And they kissed, and just like Lyds had said, it really was perfect. Or as close to perfect as they'd ever get.







"What are you doing?"


Noiselessly, Lyds stood up from the kitchen table where her and Eddie had been sat talking, and she began to rifle around in one of his kitchen draws.

Meanwhile the brown eyed boy only watched in wonder. She was such a mysterious and strange person, the young girl always did questionable and quirky things that kept his attention. Day after day, after day. It still shocked him that someone like that could care for someone like him.

"Arm." She kneeled down in front of him


"Give me your arm you cute idiot."

The Kaspbrak boy rolled his eyes before he held his cast out towards her, "Did you really just insult me and compliment me at the same time?"

"I get it from Richie." She shrugged, "He says it's a gift."

Quietly, as Lyds' wrote on his cast, Eddie took her free hand and just as she had to him what felt like centuries ago, he began to trace patterns into the palm of her hand.

"There." She placed the pen down, and a proud smile met her pink lips, "Why be a loser when you can be a lover instead?"

The Kaspbrak boy smirked to himself at the sight of the writing that had once read loser, but now spelled out lover. It made his heart melt, he'd never felt so cared for in his life.

Slowly, everything began to melt away as the phone rang on the kitchen wall and as usual Lyds and Eddie were dragged away from one another.

"Hello?" He answered

"Okay. Yeah. We'll meet you guys there."

"Who was it?" Lyds asked the minute Eds hung up

"It's the others. They need us."

"Why? What happened?"

"Lyds, It got Bev."


"The clown... It got Beverly."

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now