Thirty Two - "We're the fucking losers club!"

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"Ouch! That stings Lyds!"

Eddie Kaspbrak let out a yell and fell back in the car seat. He was surrounded by gauze and bloodied tissues and his wife's not so tender touch, and for a moment he found himself wanting to cry. The man hadn't felt such a physical pain since he broke his arm when he was child, or when Lyds nearly broke his hand squeezing it during their son's birth but he could let that one slide.

"I can do it myself."

"Eds you can barely stand up without getting lightheaded, and that's when you're not bleeding out." Lyds shook her head, forcing Eddie further back into his seat, "Let me help you."

"You help me enough." The Kaspbrak man grumbled and lightly took the antiseptic wipe from his lover's fingertips and pressed it against his own face. "Fuck!"

"See, it still stings even when you do it."

"Well I still need your help to put the bandage on it - if you can do that without injuring me."

"You guys are like an old married couple." Ben spoke from the drivers seat of Lydia's car.

"That's because we are an old married couple." Eddie rolled his eyes

"Shut up unless you want your face to bleed some more."

"See what did I say?" Ben turned to Bev with a soft laugh

"Guys now isn't the time." Lyds suddenly snapped, and her arms collapsed at her sides, she felt truly and utterly hopeless, "We have to get to the library to find Bill and the others, they're not safe there, none of us are until we fix Bowers and the clown is dead."

"There's no fixing him Lyds." Eddie mumbled his non-injured cheek pressed against her shoulder, "We have to kill him, y-you have to kill him. He got me but you got away, you were the one who shot him, he's going to come after you."

"I can't kill him again, I-I thought I did it last time and the guilt I've felt for years is-"

"We're a team right Lyds?" The brunette pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, "So you don't have to do this alone. Any of this. I'm with you, until the end."

"Okay." she nodded, her hand enveloped by his much larger one, "Now... Lets put a bandage on that pretty face of yours."

The rest of the drive was spent in complete silence as Eds slept peacefully in the back with a bandage on his face and his head in his wife's lap, and Ben and Bev held hands across the centre console. The entire journey had been filled with nothing but love, of course not everyone realised that, they wouldn't until much later.

Lydia Kaspbrak would never realise how much she really loved her husband until it was almost too late.

And Beverly Marsh and Ben Hanscom would never realise their feelings until they were almost dead.

That car ride was the few final moments of bliss that the loved up losers would share. The beginning of the end.

"L?" Eds whispered softly, "You okay?"

Lyds couldn't help but fall into a trance and stare out the window as they drove, growing closer and closer to the library. She couldn't stop thinking about him, Stanley that is.

"He should be here."


Lydia Greystone was sat on the floor of the clubhouse smoking a cigarette when Stanley Uris called her name. They were the only two losers left after everybody else had gone home, and the pair had opted to stay and clean the place together, however they'd spent most of their time in silence, reading comic books.

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now