If Lyds and the Losers Club were in high school...

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So I do like an au thing in each one of my books and I thought this would be really cool to do here, so I hope you enjoy and I'll have an update up by tonight!

- Lyds being 110% protective over her friends
- Seriously, Greta tried to pick on Bev for dating Ben one time and Lyds got in a physical fight with her
- She won.
- Eddie being the best boyfriend by always making Lyds mix tapes and taking Polaroids of her, which he pins to his bedroom wall
- Ben and Bev get together in junior year and everyone ships them together, even Bill.
- Richie gets contacts in senior year and every girl and guy start thinking he was hot (even though he always has been anyway)
- Mike becomes a reporter for the school news paper and he loves getting to do reports on all of his friends, especially Bill and Richie's football games.
- Bev gets really into painting and she paints all of her friends
- When Eddie gets over his fear of germs he starts playing baseball and Lyds and Richie go to all of his games and yell embarrassing chants and make corny signs to support him
- None of the other losers can drive and Lyds is the first to get a car so she has to drive everyone around
-Stan hates riding in the back with Richie because he teases him every chance he gets, so he always rides shotgun much to Eddie's dismay
- "But she's my girlfriend!"
- "Can I drive?"
- "sure"
- "I am not dying in this car because you let Richie drive!"
- When Lyds needs to get away from her Aunt, her and Eddie drive around for hours in the rain.
- It usually ends with them pulling over somewhere and making out whilst "Africa" plays softly from the radio.
- Ben being completely in love with Beverly.
- Lyds being completely head over heels for Eddie.
- So. Many. Road. Trips.
- They went camping one time which resulted in everyone sleeping outside because Richie forgot to pack the tents.
- Eddie grows his hair out and everyone loves it
- Lyds constantly gets jealous over girls crushing on Eddie for his new hair
- Lyds goes with Bill to visit Georgie's grave together because nobody else understands :(((
- Ben basically being the losers Mom because he always has to stop everyone from doing stupid stuff
- Richie, Lyds and Bev all skip class together to smoke in the locker rooms and Eddie hates it
- They all go to the carnival together and Stan wins Lyds a goldfish which she names "little stan"
- Eddie accidentally over feeds the fish and Mike starts calling it "Big stan."
- Lyds and Bev try to have a girl's night together but the boys show up and crash it
- Stan and Bill both have crushes on one another but are too shy to say
- Richie being a cock-block to all of the couples
- "Richie can I not just spend time with my girlfriend without you being here?"
- "Bitch I'm a part of this relationship too."
- Ben collects really cool vinyls and all of the losers try to steal them
- Bev moves back to Derry in junior year and Ben immediately confessed his feelings for her
- Eddie was too scared to ask Lyds to be his girlfriend so Bill had to do it for him.
- All of the losers being supportive of one another
- All of the losers caring for one another and being best friends
- All of the loser being happy.

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now