Thirty Three - "Let's kill this fucking clown."

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"Hi Mrs Denbrough... Is Bill home?"

"Lyds! Oh my god! Honey, what happened to you? W-Who did this to you?"

"No one Mrs Denbrough." The small girl spoke with a bloody lip and teary eyes, "I fell off my bike."

"Come inside." The older woman told her but it seemed Lyds didn't have a choice as Mrs Denbrough took her by the hand and lead her to the kitchen.

"Thank you." The Greystone girl mumbled sadly and took her green raincoat from her shoulders, hanging it on one of the many coat hooks.

"Are you hungry?" The woman asked, seeing the girls ribs even through her shirt, "Of course you are, I was just making sandwiches, I'll make you one!"

"I-I don't want to be any trouble."

"Oh please! You're no trouble at all, you sit down, I'll make you a sandwich, put a blanket in the dryer and we'll clean that lip of yours okay?"

"Thank you."

Mrs Denbrough could see, without having any idea of what was going on at home, that Lydia Greystone was in danger. She'd felt that way ever since the girl had lost her father, at first she thought she'd been fighting at school but Bill didn't have any knowledge of Lyds getting into fights, then she assumed she was just a clumsy child, kids get bruises right? But the more she came to her home, having a new cut or gash every week, the more terrified the woman became.

She'd tried to get Lyds to admit she was being abused a number of times, but every time she just denied it. If she wouldn't admit to it, then there wasn't anything she could do to help. The poor child was defenceless, and so the Denbroughs took it upon themselves, in any way they could, to take care of Lydia whenever she needed it. Whether that meant medical attention, somewhere to sleep, or just a hot meal, the Denbroughs were there.

"So where are the rest of your friends today?"

"At home."

"No Eddie?"

"I-uh..." The blonde girl stumbled across her words and her cheeks quickly grew pink.

"It's okay." Mrs Denbrough chuckled as she slid the sandwich in front of her, "I won't tell if you won't... I remember what it was like to have a crush."

"Mrs Denbrough..." Lyds groaned

The two had always had a mother daughter relationship, especially since Lyds had never had any motherly figure to guide her. It had always just been her and her dad.

"I think you'd be cute together." The red haired woman laughed as she pulled a warm blanket from the drier and wrapped it around Lyds shoulders.

"Please don't tell Bill."

"Your secret is always safe with me Lyds."

"So... Where is Bill?" The freckled girl asked as she practically shovelled her sandwich into her mouth. She was starving.

"R-Right here!" The brunette spoke as he entered the room, his hair was still dripping. The bright look on his face immediately changed to one of softness and remorse as he stared upon his friend, her aunt had beat her again. She didn't need to tell him for him to know, it was obvious. "Lyds... Your lip."

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