Twenty Eight - "The Clubhouse."

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*Just a heads up guys I've decided to keep Taissa Farmiga as the actress for adult Lyds as well as young Lyds, to avoid any confusion, obviously she's ages a lot in real life compared to the gifs I use for young Lyds*

"Eds look that was where we had our first date! And- oh my god! That was where you crashed your bike into a tree, the dent is still there! It's all coming back!"

"Did you ever forget any of this?"

Eddie Kaspbrak rolled his eyes. The losers club had been walking for a little over a half hour and whilst most of them had silently observed their surroundings in wonder of what they had forgotten, it seemed Eddie's wife couldn't keep her mouth shut. She skipped along like a small child, spinning through the forest and clutching onto Eddie's hand. It reminded him of when they were kids, when she had no idea about his feelings and how he was falling madly in love with her; he couldn't help but watch the love of his life with adoration in his brown eyes.

"How could I?" She beamed, booping the tip of his nose, "That was the funniest day of my life."

"Of course it was." He rolled his eyes

"Dude it was pretty funny, you were so concussed that you had to stay in my basement until you recovered, your mom put missing signs up over the whole town!"

"My mom was right, you guys were a bad influence."

"Your mom never did like me..." Lyds sighed, her mind suddenly flickered back to a day shared with Eddie and his mother, a day filled with blood, pain and life long trauma.

"Babe, don't think about it." He whispered, squeezing her hand, "I'm so sorry."

"You don't have to apologise, let's just, just uh - oh my god look!" Lyds yelled out once more, startling all of her friends but distracting Eddie enough that he forgot about their conversation entirely. "We carved our names into this tree... Not all of us, but Bill, Stan, Richie, Eds and me. That was before we met you guys."

"Before the clown."

The blue eyed woman traced her finger across Stan's name and she felt a flicker of grief radiate across her body, but only for a moment. He was alive, he had to be, Lyds and Stan had always been so connected that if he had died, she was sure she would have felt it.

"That means we're close by!" Ben smiled to himself, "Come on L, you know what I'm talking about!"

"Oh my god, that's right!"

Before anyone had realised what was happening Lyds had taken Ben's hand and the two had took of running through the trees and in the direction of something unknown to the rest of them. However, Lyds and Ben knew that place better than anyone, the Clubhouse.

When Lyds treehouse had started falling apart so many summers ago and her Aunt had demanded that she take it down, the girl spent the whole summer (when she wasn't trying to murder a clown) hiding the spare parts until she could smuggle them over to Ben's house. It was that same summer that Ben built the clubhouse for the losers, it was their safe haven, their hide away from Pennywise that he had never seemed to find, and Lyds had never taken solace in anything more. Apart from Eddie that is.

"This is where we came, after the rock fight."

"The clubhouse!" Beverly outburst the second they made their way into the clearing, "I remember now. I used to sleep down there sometimes with Lyds."

"We'd smoke for hours." The pair exchanged a soft glance, "That only feels like yesterday."

"You built that for us!"

"The hatch should be around here somewhere." Richie shook his head with the smallest hint of amusement.

It was in that moment, as Lyds followed Ben towards where they though the clubhouse was, that Bev caught her footing on a branch and plunged towards the ground, but not before Bill caught her in his arms. And the circle began to repeat itself.

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