Nineteen - "I think you're a p*ssy."

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Sorry for the long wait on the update guys I was on vacation for a while and then I got really sick, I still am, so sorry everyone! Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter X

"I still don't understand how the fuck you're alive."

"Shut up Richie." Eddie glared as he wrapped his arms tighter around Lyds, helping her through the sewers.

The three friends had become completely lost after taking a wrong turn, it seemed as if the deeper they went into the tunnels, the darker it became, and that only meant one thing;

They were getting further from an exit, and further away from Beverly.

"No, I'm serious!" Richie wrapped an arm beneath the blonde's shoulders and took her from Eddie's grasp, "How'd you do that?"

"You can't be scared of it Richie, if you're scared, it'll kill you."

Silently, Lyds leaned closer into Richie. Her stomach still hurt as if she'd been stabbed a thousand times, and her sight was so blurred that it had become hard to walk, but still she was alive, and so were Richie and Eddie, and that was all she could ask for.

"Guys." Eddie mumbled, but the brown haired boy was shrugged off by his friends

"Okay... I need you to promise me something Lyds. But don't tell anyone about this Greystone because people will start thinking I'm a pussy."

"What is it?"

"Promise that me and you, we keep each other alive, whatever it takes." He thought for a moment, "And the others."

"Okay, but why are you saying this now?"

"Almost losing you before- Well, I-I just don't want to live in a world without my best friend."

"You're right."


"I think you're a pussy." She let out a laugh, despite the pain she felt and the place they were.

"You little-"

It was in that moment, that as the three of them climbed down into another sewer pipe that Eddie fell flat onto his hands and knees, landing in what looked to be greywater. The dirt coloured water surrounded him up to his waist, and he helplessly began to gag.

"Eddie, we gotta go, come on." The freckled girl placed bloodied hand on his shoulder

"Dude come on, that's greywater!"

"I lost my fucking flashlight!"

"Eddie is that you?" A fourth voice called out and only a second later, Stan turned the corner. He lit up the entire sewer pipe with his torch, Ben and Mike followed closely behind him.

"Thank god!" Richie cried out, "We thought we lost you fuckers!"

"Lyds? You're alive?"

The hand that had been holding his torch, dropped to his side and reluctantly Stan stepped towards the older girl.

"You're really here..." he mumbled as the two tightly held one another, neither of them had ever been so glad to be in others arms before.

"Holy fucking shit!"

Eddie suddenly let out a yell. It was when Lyds and Stan had been hugging, that the light from Stanley's torch had illuminated the water, revealing both Eddie's missing flashlight and the severed heads in the water. The young boy almost puked then and there.

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