Nine - "Well sh*t indeed."

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I hate this chapter with a passion, so I apologise for my shitty writing today guys, I swear it will be better tomorrow!

It took a while for their words to soak in, it hadn't just been Lydia and Eddie who were attacked by the clown. Each and every one of the losers, apart from Richie of course, had been tormented by the creature. She wasn't going crazy. It was all real.

Lyds had been visited by the clown twice, she only actually saw it once but she knew that it had had something to do with the dying version of Eddie in her bedroom that one night.

"I can't believe this..." The blonde mumbled

No one moved. All of the friends stood completely still and processed the situation. It wasn't real. It couldn't be real.

"Oh shit that's Belch Huggins' car." Richie said, pulling everyone out of a trance

"We should go." Lyds nodded before she climbed onto the back of Eddie's bike.

"Wait- isn't that the homeschooled kid's bike?" Billie asked

"Yeah that's Mike's."

In the distance, screams of pain and yells of anger could be heard, slowly, all of the kids turned to look at the forest where the noises were coming from. Still, no one moved.

"We have to help him!" Beverly turned to her friends with wide eyes

"We should?"


With that the redhead dropped her bike and one by one so did everyone else. With a huff Lydia quickly climbed off of Eddie's bike, but of course, she was forced to come to a stop at the sight of Stan, taking an extra minute, putting down the kickstand on his bike.

"Are you serious right now Stanley?" She chuckled, "A kid could be dying."

"Well come on then!"

He quickly grabbed her wrist and the two raced in the direction that their friends went.

"Eat it bitch! Eat it fucker!" Bowers yelled down at Mike

Over and over again, the older boy forced Mike's face down onto a piece of raw meat. Anger immediately flooded through Lydia's veins at the mere sight of it. She was sick of Bowers, she was sick of he m making up rumours and hurting the people she cared about, and quite frankly she wasn't going to stand for it anymore.

"Hey, motherfucker!" She yelled before she scooped a rock up from the ground and threw it right at Henry Bowers. It hit him just above his left eye and the older boy immediately fell to the ground.

It was about time he got a taste of his own medicine.

"Nice throw!" Stan smiled


Hastily, Mike crawled across the stream over to the other side where all of the losers stood. Everyone else quickly began to pick up more rocks, ready to launch them at Bowers gang when the time came.

"You losers are trying too hard." Bowers motioned at the two girls, "They'll both do you, you just gotta ask nicely. Like I did." He grabbed his own crotch

"Don't talk about them that way." Eddie glared

"I got this Eds." Lyds placed a calming hand on Eddie's shoulder, "Henry, if you think I would go near your shrimp dick then you're sadly mistaken asshole. I can say the same for Beverly too."

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