You did not just do that!?

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It was a normal day as usual but little did I know that during my favorite period
well...... anyway😅
I was with Nagisa for lunch because he wanted to get to know me better.
He's such a sweetheart
"Hey Nagisa....."
"Hm???? Yeah what is it Y/N-Chan?"
He said while looking at me with his mouth full of food. I smiled
"Well first off why did you want to know more about me? Second of all why do people think you look like a girl? And look super adorable and you have crumbs on your face right....there." I said while cupping his check into my hands and brushed it of with my thumb. I saw a little pink tint color on his face. Strange.

     Ugh Nagisa is taking all of Y/N'S attention. Does he like her? I mean probably she's hot AF, her smile, her laugh,her e/c eyes, her well everything! Holy mother of fluff am I jealous?? No way I can't be jealous of Nagisa maybe he's just being nice?
      I look towards Y/N and Nagisa and they're laughing and joking around. I swear to god I saw him blush. I put a piece of candy in my mouth and suddenly I got an idea.
let's have some fun, shall we? 😏 I kicked off of the wall I was on and walked towards the two of them.
       I walked over to Y/N and Nagisa.
"Hey guys." I said as I did a little wave and a little grin
"Oh hello Karma!" Y/N said with the smile that I lov-like
"Yeah Hey Karma...." Nagisa said annoyed that I just interrupted their alone time, which made my grin widen. 


"Hey Y/N, want some candy?" Karma asked with a smile. That's strange he has a smile on his face ( Where else do you smile? ) other than his usual sadistic smirk.... BUT who says no to candy am I right lad? ( you are right lad ) awww thanks lad ( your welcome lad)
"Hmmm sure there's no harm right?Hmph!!!!!" My sentence was cut of with a pair of soft lips connected with mine. My eyes widen in shock. I felt Karmas tongue force it's self into my mouth and handed me the candy then took his tongue out and just licked his lips and smirk at me. My first kiss.... THAT BUSTARD TOOK MY FIRST KISS GOD DAMNIT!!!!! I then snapped back into reality from how bad the candy tasted. I shook my hands and started looking around.I grabbed Nagisa's face and shoved my tongue into his mouth and gave him the candy I took my tongue out and began gulping down ( whatever drink you want ) to get the taste out of my mouth. I looked at Nagisa. He cringed at the taste of the candy and he spat it out onto the floor.
"WHAT THE HELL MAN YOU JUST WASTED GOOD CANDY!!!!" Karma yelled at Nagisa who was blazing red from what just went down, I don't blame him...
"YOU CALL THAT GOOD CANDY!!!???? THAT THING WAS DISGUSTING!!!???" I said as I stood up at looked at him. Karma and I were arguing while Nagisa was a little has blush on his face due to the fact that you were his first kiss, but he wasn't yours because Karma took it from you.
He just looked down, his fist clenched.

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