The Compition

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We got the category deserts.
"Hmmm..." I thought as I placed my index finger and my thumb on my chin. I turned to see Karma and Nagisa talking. I sighed and went to go get some supplies.

~ Karma's POV~
When we got the word deserts I was about to go up to Y/N when Nagisa came between the space between me and Y/N.
"Karma what are you playing at!?" Nagisa said obviously annoyed with me being here.
"I don't know what you-"
"Don't play koi with me Karma, I know you are planing on trying to take Y/N away from me." He said cutting me off. Sure I like Y/N and I accept that, but Y/N doesn't belong to anyone she's free game.
"Y/N is free game BRO you don't own her. I bet she doesn't even like you, who would like a girly boy like you." I say as I smirk. Nagisa clenched his fist and walk towards Y/N.
'I won't let him have her, Not with out a fight'
         ~Nagisa's POV~

' Stupid Karma, but he's right. Who would like a girly boy like me...' I thought as I walked over to Y/N, She was already cooking. I watched as she was humming a tune. ' Her voice is very pretty, it's very smooth and calming' I smiled. She seemed to not have noticed I was there. I tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hm? Oh hello Nagisa!" She smiled
"Do you mind helping me with the frosting? I'm making the cake batter right now and I want a nice creamy texture that will melt In your mouth. Oh! And could also tell Karma that we need strawberries, I know he likes them so he may be the best at picking out strawberries for the cake." She continued. I was so impressed with how much she knows about cooking.
"Umm, Nagisa are you ok?" She asked in a worried tone. I noticed I was just staring into space.
"Oh yeah sorry about that! I'll get right on it ma'am!" I said as I saluted to her. She giggled 'god I love her laugh' I thought. Just then Karma came beside Y/N.
" anything I can do for you madam?~" He said, god how I wanted to punch him. Y/N somehow read my mind and socked him in the arm.
"Yes go pick out the BEST strawberries for our cake and make sure they are maximum sweet strawberries. I'm counting on you to get it right the first time and if you mess around and don't then you won't have any. Do I make myself clear?" She said as she sprayed vegetable oil on some pans to make the batter not stick to it.
"As you command, my lady~" He said as he bowed and went to the fridge. I turned to Y/N as she was placing the batter in the pan.
"Y/N what type of frosting do you want me to do?" I asked. It looked like she was making a butterscotch cake.
"I need you to make some butterscotch cream, once your done you can make the different colors for me yeah? I need red, light blue, and F/C ( fav color duh)." She said as she popped the pans into the oven and set a timer.
"Sure" I replied as I walked to my station to work

      ~Y/N'S POV~
I popped those pans into the oven and set a timer. I went to our work space to find some fondant. I look for our main colors red for Karma, light blue for Nagisa, and F/C for well Me! I made red flowers to decorate our cake. I also found some cyan colored fondant to cover our cake. I got those settled and put in the fridge to cool. I went to check on Karma. He was looking at the strawberries intensely, I couldn't help but chuckle. He heard me and turned to my direction.
"What's so funny?" He asked puzzled
"You're staring at the strawberries like they stole your money." You chuckled again, this time he laughed with you.
" sorry I was just doing what you told me." He replied
" I never told you to stare down at these poor little fruit." I said as I took one and popped it into my mouth.
"Well here they are the best strawberries they have here" He said and handed me a bag of strawberries.
He then walked away.
'Alright then...'
I walked over to Nagisa to find he made the frosting.
I took a small taster spoon and took some from the bowl. He just stared at me as I placed the spoon in my mouth.
'This taste heavenly!' I thought
"Nagisa it's really good! Just how I wanted it!" I said. He blushed.
"Uh.. yeah my uhh mom showed me how to cook and bake." He replied
'Sooooo cute!' I thought
We started making the other colors of frosting. Also making a little gold for the stems and stuff. We had some left overs and Nagisa had the smart idea to take some and place it on my nose. I felt my cheeks warm up a bit. I felt a few glares coming towards Nagisa and I but I didn't care, I needed revenge so I took some frosting and doodle on his face with the space frosting. I made him into a cat!
" and the final touch!" I say as I booped his nose with frosting. I smiled at my master piece and took out my phone and snapped a picture of us.
"AWWWWWWWW" we heard we turn to look at Korosensei who was pink. He then was scribbling stuff in his journal. I sighed as I heard the timer go off. I wanted to leave this awkward situation I was in. I started to decorate the cake. It looked absolutely beautiful!

(Just imagine the designs with the swirls are your favorite color also pretend that the little flowers on the swirls are strawberries )"WE DID IT" we said as we started to cut slices for everyone

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(Just imagine the designs with the swirls are your favorite color also pretend that the little flowers on the swirls are strawberries )
"WE DID IT" we said as we started to cut slices for everyone.
Korosensei was judging everyone's cooking. When it came to our almost everyone took a slice. The only people who didn't was Kayano and A girl with braided hair. Nick on the other hand well this wasn't the first time he tried my cooking...
"CONGRATULATIONS Y/N,NAGISA,AND KARMA FOR THE BEST COOKING IN THIS CLASS!" Korosensei announced. The class cheered and ate more cake. I smiled, all of the sudden I was lifted by two people karma and Nagisa. I looked down at them as they stared at me with two big goofy grins on their face. I couldn't help but smile. I truly loved them both but I don't know who I love more. I have Two lovers and one choice.

Two Lovers, One choiceWhere stories live. Discover now