Chapter 1 - Restrained

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I do not own these characters (I just write them as a way to love them and care for them).

The metal table she was strapped to had finally warmed beneath her, absorbing her body heat. It was the first small comfort she'd had and she was hurting too bad to even care. The mass amount of fabric from her once beautiful cobalt blue ball gown kept most of her body protected from the cold air hitting her, even though her shoulders and arms were freezing. She kept her eyes open just slightly as the lighting above the table hurt her eyes.

Every part of her body ached: muscles, bones... any part with nerve endings, so everything. Everything hurt.

She'd finally stopped struggling with the restraints on her wrists and ankles but her body wiggled, trying to get comfort from the tight strap that ran across her midsection. She had no idea how long she'd been strapped down but her mind was already panicking because there was no end in sight. After taking a blow to the head, she had blacked out and this was the place she'd woken up.

The dark cell was damp and every noise echoed. There were sounds of metal chains clinking together and dripping off in the distance. Finally, she heard a different noise to break the monotony of the dripping. Unfortunately for the poor soul making the noise, it was someone nearby, throwing up. Hearing bits of a familiar sound, she thought she recognized who it was.

Her trembling voice came out in a whisper, "Pepper?"

The sound turned into a whimpering moan. Now she was sure it was Pepper.

"Are you okay over there?" she shouted out, still keeping her voice low. No noise volleyed back. Her heart sank, she knew by the lack of answer that Pepper was not okay. If she was worse than (Y/N), she couldn't even imagine what that was like.

"I'm here," Pepper's voice creaked out, breathlessly.

"Pepper, are you okay, honey?" she asked. She felt her heart beating hard in her chest.

"...Lot of blood," Pepper mumbled.

"Stay still, okay? Just stay still for me..." (Y/N) called out through gritted teeth.

She and Pepper didn't speak again in what (Y/N) estimated was the rest of that night. She'd really lost all concept of time by this point. Her own body was screaming out for rest and although she knew she should probably try to stay awake because she was positive she had a concussion, she succumbed to the darkness calling her.


The sound of a latch echoed through the room and she looked straight out her cell to the door across the room. A tall, brooding man dressed in a black guard suit was walking towards where she believed Pepper to be. She looked away, trying not to make eye contact with him. The sounds of a the cell door opening made her body jar with fear, waiting to hear what would come next. It was a long silence before she heard anything.

What seemed like an eternity later, (Y/N) heard metal sounds clanging, followed by Pepper's breath, and the sound of a struggle. She squeezed her eyes closed.

Pepper had dropped to the cement floor, (Y/N) just knew. The sound of bones and skin smacking the floor was unmistakable. Her mind tried to grasp for anything that she could do to help Pepper, but being tied down, there was nothing. Opening her mouth might just make it worse for her new friend.

It sounded like Pepper was getting a beating. (Y/N) was sick to her stomach, tears welled in her eyes until they spilled over the rims of her eyes, picking up speed, makeup, and dirt on their way down the sides of her face. Finally, she heard the pleading subside and the man locked Pepper back down to the table and walked by (Y/N)'s cell. He sneered at her as she looked away, tapping his fingers on each bar of the cell door in an obvious attempt to rattle her. He unlocked the cell door and took a few steps inside but stopped when the door across the room opened. Another man stepped into the larger outer room and the man eyeing (Y/N) up turned around and walked out, locking the cell behind him. When they were gone, she let out a sigh of relief while she heard Pepper sob out from her cell.

"He's gone, Pepper," (Y/N) cried out to her. The tears were flowing too easily now even though she wanted to be strong for Pepper, who continued to sob. (Y/N) wanted to say something more comforting but there wasn't anything.

The next time she woke, it was quiet except for the sounds of her stomach growling. Her throat and mouth were so dry, it was painful. She tried to think of something besides the pain, anything to take her mind off the situation. She thought of her parents, though they were long gone since a car accident when she were in college. She thought of her older sister and her brother in law, their daughter, her only niece... little baby Jenna. Jenna didn't like it when (Y/N) called her that, she would say she was a big girl now. But she would always be (Y/N)'s little baby Jenna. Her mind wandered to her friends, her boss, Maria. And the hardest person of all to think about, the one she were afraid to let herself think about, Steve. She didn't want to think about him because it made her cry harder... the thought that she might never see him again. In her mind, this might be the place she would die, right here in this miserable cell.

The night they'd taken Pepper and her had been one she had been anxiously anticipating. She'd talked with her friend, Jess, a million times about that night in the weeks leading up to it. She tried not to be so excited, but she just was. Not in the 8 months since she'd been dating Steve had the two ever gone somewhere so fancy. The two of them preferred more casual dates and that was fine, but something about that gala was very appealing to (Y/N). It seemed like Steve was excited to take her, either because he was actually excited or maybe it was because he wanted to do it for her. She thought he was so cute when he asked her if she would be his date, he seemed nervous. (Y/N) couldn't imagine why he would be but it was adorable. She tried to replay his face while he was asking her to the gala, but she couldn't quite get there. Blame it on exhaustion, emotional stress... but she felt like she couldn't get a clear picture of his face right now. It was frustrating and it made her more sad. If that was even possible...

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