Chapter 7 - Say Something

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Days, weeks... (Y/N) wasn't sure how long she'd been strapped down to that table. Her mind was become more and more unclear. It had been quite a while since she'd heard Pepper and the last thing she had heard was screams. (Y/N)'s mind was haunted with the thoughts of what had happened in her cell. Guilt plagued her. Why had they tortured Pepper and not touched her? Pepper did seem to know that man, at least that's what (Y/N) guessed from what she'd heard. Maybe that had something to do with it. But none of those thoughts gave her comfort. If Pepper was laying over there dead, she'd never forgive herself. If she was close to dead...

...then (Y/N) thought she'd better say something.

"Pepper... are you there?" she squeaked out.

Pepper moaned and coughed but she didn't answer. (Y/N) knew she probably couldn't answer by this point.

"It's going to be okay, Pepper. I love you," she called out. If it was the last thing she ever heard, (Y/N) wanted it to be something sweet for her.

The yelling must have stirred interest outside because the door opened again and the same brute walked in, the one who'd hosed Pepper down, the one who'd beaten her, the one who'd... (Y/N) broke down at the other thoughts.

He walked towards (Y/N) now. "You just couldn't keep your pretty mouth shut, could you?" His voice was rough and unkind. He unlocked the cell and walked in to stand straight in front of her. "You have to be punished now."

(Y/N)'s heart thumped in her chest and her mind raced. She'd just blown it for herself and she felt like a complete moron. Her body froze in fear.

"You scream... and this gets worse. You kick... and you're done." He moved a finger across his throat then reached down to unlock her ankle shackles. He walked around the table, dragging his fingers all over her body. She tried to hold back tears and be silent but now, from next door, she could hear Pepper starting to try to use her voice. "You leave her alone!!!" She sounded awful but she was being protective of (Y/N). "You're next!" he shouted to her.

His hands were on her waist now, grazing to where the bodice of her dress met the skirt. He bunched the material between his fingers slowly. (Y/N)'s eyes were fixed on his hands, he had fingerless gloves on and his fingernails were dirty. She moved one of her feet against the bottom of the table and he stopped to look down at her foot and then back at her face. In a deep growl, he said "Don't you try anything." In one fell move, he pressed his fingers deeper into the fabric and spread his arms wide quickly, ripping fabric the whole way down her dress. Her eyes were fixated on him. (Y/N) could hear her heartbeat inside her ears, the terror inside her was overtaking her. "Don't you touch her!" Pepper shouted.

He was growing more agitated, and when he pushed his fingers into the skin at the top of her underwear, it hurt her. He grabbed for the band and ripped again. Her fear sent her body cold, her fingers became icy and shook. He gave (Y/N) an evil smirk and finished ripping what was left of her underwear. He leaned over her and plunged his face down to her neck, kissing it roughly. The tears rolled freely now, she had no more control left. (Y/N) closed her eyes tightly and prayed for it to be over. When he'd finished with her neck, he reached down and moved her knees apart and she heard the sound of a zipper. The lump in her throat stung and she thought she might even black out. Her heartbeat thumped in her ears in a frenzy. Opening her eyes at that moment, something caught her attention and she looked across the room to see familiar faces. (Y/N) was sure she was hallucinating.

There was Steve, FIRE in his eyes.

His head was down but his eyes were looking straight into where (Y/N) was. He pulled his arm back and released his shield.

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