Chapter 3 - Running in the Night

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Sometime after 4 am, Tony, Steve, Natasha, and Maria broke up their search party to get some sleep. Steve already knew he wasn't going to sleep, there was no way he could with such a sick knot in his stomach. So he went for his daily run a bit early. He knew it would clear his head.

The streets were dark and cold, his lungs felt the slight burn of the chill in the air. He ran faster and harder than usual, pushing himself until he was far away from Stark Tower. He ran until finally, his heart and his legs wouldn't let him anymore. He was over 5 miles away now, standing at the railing in Battery Park.

Of all the places... Why had his legs carried him there?

Steve and (Y/N) had ended up walking here once, she loved to look at the Statue of Liberty. She had gushed about how much she'd always loved the Statue of Liberty, ever since she was a little kid. He remembered her face lighting up as she told him about it and then she'd insisted on taking a selfie of them in front of her.

Steve unzipped his pocket to take out his phone and find the picture. He grinned subtly at his phone and leaned up against the railing in the spot where he knew they were standing when they took the picture. He ran his fingers over the railing, thinking he might be touching the spot where she had touched so many months ago.


Steve laughed, "So do you also have crushes on Uncle Sam and George Washington, too?" He just had to tease her about how much she adored the Statue of Liberty, also considering she was dating Captain America.

"Steve!" she laughed, tapping him playfully on the arm. "No... the only ancient patriot I have a crush on is you..." She smiled slyly, waiting for him to lean down and kiss her. He leaned down to her, nudging his baseball hat up and turned his face sideways to press his lips against hers, kissing her slowly. The chilly, soggy day was perfect for taking a walk with (Y/N) because it assured she'd constantly be getting close to him to keep warm. She tucked her hands inside his jacket pockets while they kissed. He pulled her closer and asked "So, what else should we do today?" as his nose grazed hers.

"What about a lazy, early dinner?" she asked. She knew how much he enjoyed when they did that.

"Oh, you're the best," he laughed as he wrapped his arms around her for a hug.

(Y/N) pulled her hands out of his pockets to return the hug and her fitness tracker caught on his pocket, causing it to break off and fall to the ground. "Crap," she muttered, bending down to retrieve it. Steve took a look at it and realized it was too broken to fix.

"Come on, we'll get you another one," he said, as he put his arm around her and walked away. "Where do you want to go eat?"


Steve turned in the other direction to return to Stark Tower, this time he was just walking. His heart wasn't in it anymore. He thought more about that day at Battery Park and how the next day, he'd gone out to buy her a new fitness tracker, just to surprise her. He'd managed to find one that looked like a fancy bracelet and she was so excited when he gave it to her. She'd practically knocked him over with her hug.

Steve stopped on the dark sidewalk, his mind raced. He took his phone back out and dialed. "Tony! Her fitness tracker... She has her fitness tracker on! Can we use the gps?" He started running back to the tower.

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