Chapter 4 - Remembering

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The door opened, she thought she caught the faint sounds of what might have been jazz music. (Y/N) knew she'd definitely heard a horn section on the track. It caught her attention but it was brief as the door closed again.

It felt like morning. She had no way of knowing but that's just what it felt like.

They were leaving her alone for the time being, more importantly, they were leaving Pepper alone. (Y/N) started thinking about her little baby Jenna, her sweet niece... Only a few weeks ago, her sister had driven from Ohio for a long weekend visit, bringing her favorite girl with her.


"Ahhhh, come'ere dollbaby!" (Y/N) screamed when Jenna ran towards her, throwing her arms open wide. Jenna jumped into her arms and (Y/N) picked her up, swinging her little legs around. "You're squooshing me!" Jenna giggled. Steve stood next to (Y/N), grinning from ear to ear. The two of them together were the cutest thing he'd ever seen. (Y/N)'s sister was close behind, ready to jump in on the hug.

"Steve, this is Jamie," (Y/N) smiled into Jenna's hair. They shook hands and Steve offered to grab their luggage out of the trunk.

"Aunt (Y/N), carry me!" Jenna shouted.

"You mean upstairs?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes, upstairs... please!"

(Y/N) paused to think about carrying a four year old the entire way up to the third floor apartment. "Come on, get on my back," she smiled. "I'm going to go fast, okay? Hang on." She ran up the front stairs with Jenna clinging to her neck, taking off and not looking back.

Up in the apartment, (Y/N) and Jenna plopped onto the couch, snuggling while Jenna looked around her apartment, taking in all the wall art. "So, is this guy the same guy from out there?" Jenna pointed to a photo of (Y/N) and Steve.

"Yeah, that's my boyfriend, Steve," she said. "He's so nice, you're going to love him." Just then, Steve and Jamie walked through the door.

"Hi, Steve," Jenna said, holding out her hand for him to shake. (Y/N) and Jamie just looked at each other and shared a silent laugh. That kid was such a character.

It was the best weekend. (Y/N) and Steve took them all over the city. Standing in the hallway outside her apartment the first night after Jamie and Jenna had arrived, he'd offered to back off for the weekend to let (Y/N) spend time with them. She insisted he hang out with the three of them. "I want them to know you, you're family to me." He'd gotten emotional and hugged and kissed (Y/N). He assured her he would be back in the morning. The next morning, they all went to the park and he and Jenna became the best of friends. (Y/N) had taken note of how amazing he was with Jenna but before she could tell him that, he'd told her the same thing. "You two are like peas in a pod, it's adorable," he'd said. The next day, they all went to see the Statue of Liberty. She was a big hit with Jenna. A nice tourist had taken the cutest picture of the four of them standing in front ot the statue, the three adults standing, smiling, and Jenna sitting on Steve's shoulders with her hand up in the air, mimicking the statue. It had quickly become one of (Y/N)'s favorite photos of all time. Steve and (Y/N) were both tired when Jamie and Jenna left and (Y/N) fell asleep on the couch in his arms. Something felt different after that weekend, it was a good different


"(Y/N)? Are you there?" The weak sound of Pepper's whisper echoed throughout the room. Though she'd spoken only a few times, every time she spoke, it sounded worse.

"I'm here, Pepper," (Y/N) called out, followed by a cough. She hadn't taken a good, deep breath in a while and she was feeling the effects.

Pepper made a guttural sound and struggled for air. "I'm not going to make it."

"Pepper, don't talk like that..."

"No, I really don't think I can hold out..." her speech was littered with coughs. "Please tell Tony I love him." She was really serious, there was finality in her voice. It terrified (Y/N).

"Pepper, you're going to tell him yourself," (Y/N) called out, this time her voice was louder and more firm. "We're getting out of here, Tony's coming for us."

Before Pepper could respond, the door swung open. "Let's not talk about him," said the man who walked in. (Y/N) and Pepper hadn't seen him up until this point. He was average height, had dirty blonde hair and wore dark-rimmed glasses. He walked with a lot of confidence and that was an understatement. (Y/N) had gotten a tiny bit of that jazz music again when the door was open. He walked straight for her cell with a swagger. "And who is this beautiful creature? She's obviously wrong about Anthony but, hey, everybody has faults." (Y/N) turned her head as he moved along to taunt Pepper. (Y/N) couldn't see him anymore.

Peppers voice creaked out, with just a touch of hatred, "Hammer."

"Miss Potts, nice to see you again... Wow, let's get you cleaned up..." the words were kind but the intent behind them was not genuine. Pepper didn't make any sound. He snapped his fingers towards the door and the door opened. "Fritzie, get Miss Potts cleaned up, would you?" He walked back in front of (Y/N)'s cell again. "What about you, dear? Do you need anything?" (Y/N) stared straight at him, venom on the inside of her mouth waiting to burst out but she said nothing. He raised his eyebrows and walked away. One of the other guards came in, carrying a hose. (Y/N) knew this couldn't be good. Steve, please... please get here.

He walked straight for Pepper's cell. The squealing of a faucet being turned on, followed by water pressure was what she heard next. Pepper gasped for air. (Y/N) could hear the water hitting the metal table, then hitting Pepper's skin. That went on for a while until finally, the faucet was turned again and it got quiet.

The next sound was a giant rip. All (Y/N) could imagine is that Pepper had no other fabric over there besides her dress, same as (Y/N). Her stomach was in a knot and then she heard Pepper begging "No, no, please, don't..." and her words became mumbles as something was in front of her mouth. Rhythmic thumping sounds followed for an eternity and (Y/N) hung her head down and cried for Pepper.

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