Chapter 11 - Family Time

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"Right over there," (Y/N) pointed to a parking spot in front of Jamie's house. "Oh, hey, there's Paul!" Her brother in law, Paul, was pulling into the driveway.

She jumped out of the car while Steve was barely parked and ran over to Paul. As Steve got out of the car, he watched as Paul embraced her in a hug. They seemed happy to see each other. Steve walked over with their one travel bag. Paul stuck out his hand. "Paul," he said firmly. "Steve", Steve said. "It's nice to meet you finally. I've heard a lot about you."

As Jenna pushed the storm door open and poked her head out, (Y/N) took off to go see her. Paul laughed, "She is one tough cookie."

"She is," Steve agreed. "Seeing you guys is going to be good for her."

"Is she alright?" Paul asked, more serious this time.

"It's going to take some time," Steve said.

"Well, all I know is that she was the rock when their parents died," Paul said. "Jamie and I were just dating when they were killed, she was just a college kid but she really stepped up."

"She doesn't really talk about it," Steve said softly.

"They were really close," Paul sighed. "It was a real shame. They were the nicest people, too." He stared off onto the street for a second before patting Steve on the shoulder. "Well, come on, let me take you inside."

Inside the house, it was more quiet than Steve had expected. Jenna was standing behind (Y/N), peeking out at him. "Go ahead," (Y/N) said, "say hi, you remember Steve."

Steve crouched down to the floor and smiled at her. "Hi Jenna, what's new?"

She stepped out and much closer to him. "Do you want to see my room?" she whispered.

Steve laughed. "Sure, I'd love to."

"Oooh, me too?" (Y/N) asked. "I'll be right there," she said to Jenna. Jenna and Steve started marching up the stairs. (Y/N) turned to Jamie and Paul, "I want you two to go out tonight - go have a date."

"You just got here," Jamie said. "I don't expect you to..."

Jenna stopped dead in her tracks. "Yeahhhhhhh! Babysit!"

Jamie looked to Steve for reassurance and he nodded.

"Well, okay..." Jamie started. "But let me make dinner first."

"No, I can do that," (Y/N) argued. "Seriously... just go! You two never get to go out."

"We really don't mind," Steve added. (Y/N) turned around to smile at him.

When Jamie and Paul had finally gone and Steve and (Y/N) had checked out Jenna's bedroom, (Y/N) wandered into the kitchen to see about dinner. "Miss Jenna?" she called out to the living room, "Would you like spaghetti tonight?"

Footsteps pounded fast to the kitchen. "Yeahhhh! Spaghetti!" Jenna was standing in front of her in the blink of an eye. Steve followed her into the kitchen. "Can I help?" Jenna asked.

"Sure, I'd love some help."

(Y/N) found cooking with Jenna to be a challenge as far as keeping her safe from hot water and skillets but they laughed a lot. Steve had asked if (Y/N) minded if he returned a few messages while they cooked but he sat at the table in the kitchen so he could be close... and when she looked back at him, he always seemed to be watching and smiling. She turned back to look at him and he looked up at her and when their eyes met, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and grin at him because something about him sitting there and looking so sexy just made her want to flirt with him. But it had to be subtle... because of Jenna.

Now that she had his attention, she exaggeratedly mouthed to him "you and me" and pointed with her finger and then "later" with a smile. Steve smiled and looked down, stifling a laugh, then nodded his head. When he looked at her again, he had a gentle expression but his eyes burned through her and it made her feel weak in the knees.

They ate dinner like a little family that night. (Y/N) found herself enjoying the feeling, not knowing that Steve was feeling the same way. After dinner, (Y/N) got Jenna cleaned up and dressed for bed while Steve cleaned up the kitchen.

When the three met back up in the living room, (Y/N) asked if Jenna wanted a bedtime story. "I'll go get my bedtime book!" she shouted as she ran to her bedroom to get it.

(Y/N) and Steve were sitting on the floor, leaned against the couch. He looked at her and smiled, leaning in to give her a kiss. He had his arm around her shoulder and rubbed his thumb on her arm softly. She leaned her forehead on him, she was feeling good, like things were almost normal.

"She gets excited just like you do," Steve smiled. "Is that what you were like when you were little?"

"Probably," she laughed. "I never thought of it that way."

Jenna came racing back down the stairs with a book and pushed herself between them to sit on the floor. "I got my bedtime book," she grinned.

"Let's see," (Y/N) said and straightened her legs out so they could open the hardback book. She opened the first page and there was a picture of Jenna as a baby. "Hey, there's my baby!"

"That's me," Jenna giggled.

"So your bedtime book is a picture book?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, it's all the people I love. Mommy made if for me." She was very proud of her book. She turned the page and said, "Look, Aunt (Y/N), it's you when you got married."

(Y/N) laughed. "No, honey, that's when your mommy and daddy got married. I was in their wedding."

"Do you have wedding pictures?" Jenna asked her.

"No, baby girl, I'm not married," she smiled.

"What about you?" she said, looking at Steve.

He let out a little laugh. "I'm not married either."

She looked confused but went back to turning book pages. "And here's grammy and pappy, they're in heaven but I still love them. Mommy says they watch me."

(Y/N) nodded and she was quiet. Steve watched her closely and her eyes glossed over. He knew she was being quiet so Jenna wouldn't get upset.

"You're lucky to have your grammy and pappy watching over you," Steve said, looking down at Jenna. "My mom and dad watch over me."

"Maybe they know each other!" she said, looking excited.

"Maybe," he said. He looked back at (Y/N) who was now looking calmer and watching them interact.

They looked through the rest of the book and then it was time for bed. Steve offered a piggyback ride to Jenna who happily accepted. (Y/N) walked up the stairs in front of them. Steve gave Jenna a little tickle and she shrieked out. (Y/N) stopped on the stairs in front of them and her head went down. It was a brief pause and then she continued walking. After tucking Jenna into bed, they walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. "You okay?" he asked her.

"Yeah," she said, she sounded unsure of herself. She looked at him, "When Jenna screamed... I know it was her, but I heard Pepper. I'm okay now."

Steve put his arms around her. "The flashbacks are hard."

She rested her head on his shoulder, she knew he experienced things like that from time to time. "How do you deal with it?" she asked quietly.

"I've had a lot of years of practice," he said. "And I also saw a therapist for a while, that really helped."

"I think I should do that," she said.

Steve put his arm around her shoulder and they sat back on the couch, waiting for Jamie and Paul to get home. By the time they got there, although it was not late, (Y/N) was struggling to stay awake. They turned in for the night.

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